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Pro Direct Assignments

Maciej Mensfeld edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 1 revision


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The Direct Assignments feature allows precise control over Kafka topic and partition consumption. This feature bypasses the standard consumer group partition assignment mechanism, allowing you to manually specify which partitions and topics each consumer should process. This can be particularly useful for building complex data pipelines and applications that require explicit partition handling.

Direct Assignments enable scenarios where automatic partition assignments could be suboptimal or inappropriate. With direct assignments, you can explicitly define partition ownership, ensuring that specific consumers only process data from specified partitions.

Key Features

  • Partition Specific Processing: Assign specific partitions to specific consumers to ensure data locality and processing are optimized for performance and correctness.

  • Bypass Consumer Groups: Directly assign partitions without relying on Kafka's built-in consumer group mechanics. This can reduce rebalance times and increase stability in environments with high partition counts.

  • Enhanced Control: Greater control over which partitions are processed by which consumers, allowing for tailored processing logic that can adapt to the nuances of your data and application requirements.

  • Optimized Data Locality: Direct Assignments can enhance data locality by assigning partitions to consumers based on where data is stored, potentially reducing network traffic and increasing overall system efficiency.

  • Tailored Processing Logic: They facilitate complex processing logic that might be necessary for advanced use cases, such as maintaining state or processing partitions in a specific sequence.

  • Unaffected by By using Direct Assignments, consumers are not subjected to the constraints of, which defines the maximum time between poll calls before a consumer is considered unresponsive.

Configuring Direct Assignments

To utilize Direct Assignments, you specify which partitions a consumer should subscribe to directly in your Karafka routing configuration. Here is an example of how to configure a consumer to only process specific partitions:

class KarafkaApp < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    # ...

  routes.draw do
    topic 'my_topic' do
      consumer MyConsumer
      # Directly assign partitions 0 and 1 to this consumer
      assign [0, 1]

In case you would want to assign all partitions, for example for repartitioning or other cross-partition operations, you can pass true to the #assign method:

class KarafkaApp < Karafka::App
  setup do |config|
    # ...

  routes.draw do
    topic 'my_topic' do
      consumer MyConsumer
      # Directly assign all partitions of this topic to the consumer
      assign true

Example Use Cases

  • Complex Data Pipeline Integration: In complex data pipelines, certain data processing stages may need to operate on specific partitions due to dependencies or processing requirements. With Direct Assignments, you can ensure that these requirements are explicitly handled, reducing the risk of processing errors and inefficiencies.

  • High-Performance Requirements: For applications requiring high throughput and low latency, managing partition assignments directly can minimize rebalances and optimize data locality, leading to faster processing times.

  • Predictable Scaling: When scaling out consumers in a Kafka application, Direct Assignments allow for predictable performance by explicitly controlling partition distribution among consumers. This is especially useful in scenarios where adding more consumers must be meticulously planned to avoid performance degradation.

  • Data Isolation for Security or Compliance: Certain use cases might require data isolation for security or compliance reasons. Direct Assignments allow you to segregate data processing to specific consumers, ensuring that sensitive data is only accessible to authorized processes.

  • Stateful Stream Processing: Applications requiring stateful operations across messages can benefit from Direct Assignments, which guarantee that specific consumers always process certain partitions. This setup is crucial for systems like event sourcing or complex event processing (CEP), where maintaining order and state consistency is vital.

  • Stream Merging from Multiple Topics: One advanced use case of Direct Assignments is stream merging, where data from different topics or partitions needs to be combined or synchronized. This is particularly useful in scenarios where related data streams from multiple sources must be processed together to produce a coherent output. For example, merging user actions from one topic with user profiles from another to generate a comprehensive activity log.


Karafka Pro's Direct Assignments feature is a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can greatly enhance the performance, reliability, and security of Kafka-based applications. It allows for precise control over partition processing, enabling sophisticated data processing strategies that go beyond the capabilities of standard Kafka consumer groups. Whether you are building high-throughput data pipelines, implementing complex processing logic, or must comply with strict data security standards, Direct Assignments can provide the tools to achieve these goals efficiently and reliably.

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