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Pausing Seeking and Rate Limiting

Maciej Mensfeld edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 4 revisions


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Pausing, Seeking and Rate-Limiting

Karafka Pro provides an excellent filtering and rate-limiting APIs, making it a highly recommended option over manually managing message processing flow. By using Karafka Pro, developers can easily configure filtering and rate limiting on a per-topic basis, which allows them to fine-tune the message processing flow according to the requirements of their application.

Using Karafka Pro for filtering and rate limiting also eliminates the need for developers to manually manage message processing, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. With Karafka Pro, you can rely on a robust and efficient system that automatically takes care of these tasks.

Overall, using Karafka Pro for filtering and rate limiting not only simplifies the development process but also ensures that message processing is handled in a reliable and scalable manner.

Karafka allows you to pause processing for a defined time. This can be used, for example, to apply a manual back-off policy or throttling. To pause a given partition from within the consumer, you need to use the #pause method that accepts the pause offset (what should be the first message to get again after resuming) and the time for which the pause should be valid.

Using the #pause API

def consume
  messages.each do |message|
    # Sends requests to an API that can be throttled
    result =

    next unless result.throttled?

    # Pause and resume from the first message that was throttled
    # Pause based on our fake API throttle backoff information
    pause(message.offset, result.backoff)

    # We need to return, otherwise the messages loop would continue sending messages

!!! note ""

It is important to remember that the `#pause` invocation does **not** stop the processing flow. You need to do it yourself.


Without stopping the processing, the messages#each loop will continue:

def consume
  messages.each do |message|
    # Wait for 10 seconds and try again if we've received messages
    # that are younger than 1 minute
    pause(message.offset, 10.seconds * 1_000) if message.timestamp >= 1.minute.ago



Invoking return after #pause will ensure no consecutive messages are processed. They will be processed after pause has expired:

def consume
  messages.each do |message|
    if message.timestamp >= 1.minute.ago
      pause(message.offset, 10.seconds * 1_000)
      # After pausing do not continue processing consecutive messages



Another good approach is by using the #find on messages to detect if throttling is needed and what was the message that was throttled:

def consume
  throttled = messages.find do |message|

  # Done if nothing was throttled
  return unless throttled

  # Try again in 5 seconds
  pause(throttled.offset, 5_000)

Using the #seek API

In the context of Apache Kafka, "seeking" refers to moving the consumer's offset to a specific position within a topic's partition. In essence, it allows you to dictate where in the partition the consumer begins (or resumes) reading messages.

Seeking to an Offset

Inside your consumer's #consume method, you can use the #seek method to set the offset for a specific partition:

def consume
  results = []

  messages.each do |message|
    results <<
  return if results.all? { |result| result == true }

  # Get back by 100 messages and reprocess data if anything went badly
  seek(messages.last.offset - 100)

Seeking to a Point in Time

In Karafka, aside from the traditional offset-based seeking using #seek, you can seek by timestamp as follows:

def consume
  results = []

  messages.each do |message|
    results <<
  return if results.all? { |result| result == true }

  # Get back by an hour of data and reprocess all
  seek( - 60 * 60)

Seeking vs. Offset Position

When utilizing the #seek API in Karafka, it's crucial to understand the behavior of offsets and how this method interacts with them. The #seek method lets you move the consumer's offset to a specific position within a topic's partition. This capability is essential for controlling exactly where the consumer begins or resumes reading messages in the partition.

By default, when you invoke the #seek method, the in-memory offset position (also known as the seek offset) is not reset. This means that the position to which you're seeking won't automatically update the current offset in memory.

Additionally, Karafka implements a safeguard to ensure data consistency and integrity. By default, it prevents committing offsets earlier than the highest offset committed on a consumer instance. This mechanism helps avoid scenarios where a consumer might read and process messages out of order, potentially leading to data duplication or loss.

To address scenarios where you need to explicitly move the consumer's offset and update the in-memory position, the #seek method accepts an additional flag: reset_offset. When this flag is set to true, Karafka will move the consumer to the specified location and update the in-memory offset to match this new position.

This is particularly useful in cases where you need to process messages from a specific point, regardless of previous commits, or when managing complex consumer behaviors that require precise control over message processing orders.

def consume
  results = []

  messages.each do |message|
    results <<
  return if results.all? { |result| result == true }

  # Get back by 100 messages and reprocess data if anything went badly
  # Move the offset position together so when reprocessing, things can be marked again despite
  # the most recent offset committed till this point being ahead
  seek(messages.last.offset - 100, reset_offset: true)

Seeking Use Cases

  • Reprocessing Messages: If there's a need to reprocess certain messages due to application logic changes or errors, you can seek back to an earlier offset to re-read and reprocess the messages.

  • Skipping Faulty Messages: In scenarios where specific messages might cause processing issues (e.g., due to data corruption), the consumer can skip these by seeking ahead to a subsequent offset.

  • Time-based Processing: If your messages have a timestamp and you wish to process or reprocess messages from a specific time, you can seek the offset corresponding to that timestamp.

  • Consumer Recovery: In the event of consumer crashes or restarts, you can use seek to ensure that the consumer starts processing from where it left off, ensuring no missed messages.

  • Testing and Debugging: During development or debugging, you might want to read specific messages multiple times. Seeking allows you to jump to those messages easily.

  • Conditional Processing: Based on some real-time conditions or configurations, you might want to jump over specific messages or go back to previous ones.

Smart Seek Capabilities

At its core, the Smart Seek feature is a mechanism that prevents unnecessary #seek operations. In typical Kafka clients, invoking the #seek method can lead to the purging of prefetch buffers, which in turn can result in increased network usage as discarded messages are re-fetched. However, not every #seek operation results in a change in cursor position.

Karafka's Smart Seek feature checks whether a #seek operation would effectively change the cursor position. If the operation doesn't change the position, the #seek is ignored. This is not just an optimization to reduce unnecessary operations but also plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity and efficiency of prefetch buffers.

Benefits of Smart Seek:

  • Buffer Integrity: One of the most significant benefits is preserving prefetched messages. Since unnecessary #seek operations are ignored, the prefetch buffers aren't purged without cause. This results in better utilization of fetched messages and reduces the need to re-fetch them, thus saving network resources.

  • Reduced Network Traffic: By preventing unnecessary #seek operations, Karafka ensures that there's less need to re-fetch messages from the broker, which subsequently leads to reduced network traffic.

  • Efficiency and Performance: Ignoring #seek operations that don't change the cursor's position means fewer operations for the consumer to handle, leading to more efficient processing and reduced latency.

  • Smart Pausing: The Smart Seek logic extends to the #pause functionality. Just like with seeking, Karafka checks if pausing would be redundant and, if so, ignores the operation. This smart behavior ensures optimal performance even when applications try to pause consumption frequently.

#pause and #seek Usage Potential Networking Impact

When using the #pause or #seek method in Karafka, you're essentially instructing the system to halt the fetching of messages for a specific topic partition. However, this is not just a simple "pause" in the regular sense of the word.

When one of those methods is invoked, Karafka stops fetching new messages and purges its internal buffer that holds messages from that specific partition. It's essential to recognize that Karafka, by default, pre-buffers 1MB of data per topic partition for efficiency reasons. This buffer ensures that there is always a consistent supply of messages ready for processing without constantly waiting for new fetches.

The challenge arises here: If you use the #pause or #seek method frequently and for short durations, you might inadvertently create substantial network traffic. Every time you resume from a pause or seek to a location, Karafka will attempt to re-buffer the 1MB of data, which can result in frequently re-fetching the same data, thereby causing redundant network activity.

The Impact of Purging Prefetched Messages

  • Network Traffic Increase: Whenever #seek or #pause is called, all prefetched messages for the partition are discarded. If a consumer then needs to read messages that were in the now-purged prefetch cache, it has to request them from the broker again, resulting in additional network traffic.

  • Increased Latency: As previously mentioned, prefetched messages reduce consumer latency. Purging them means the consumer might need to wait for the broker to deliver messages that it once had in its prefetch cache.

  • Wasted Resources: Messages prefetched but never consumed due to a #seek operation represent wasted resources. These messages were fetched from the broker, occupying network bandwidth, and were stored in memory, consuming RAM, all for no benefit.

  • Broker Load: Continuously bringing messages from the broker due to prefetch purges increases the broker's work. The broker has to handle more fetch requests and serve more data, potentially affecting its performance.

Potential Solutions

  • Adjust Buffer Size: If you're pausing and resuming often, consider adjusting the fetch.message.max.bytes setting for affected topics. This will lower the buffer size to reduce the volume of redundant data fetched, but do note that this might affect performance during regular operations.

  • Optimize Pause Usage: Reevaluate your use cases for the #pause method. Perhaps there are ways to minimize its usage or extend the duration of pauses to reduce the frequency of data re-fetches.

  • Monitor and Alert: Set up alerts to notify you of a spike in network traffic or frequent use of the #pause method. This way, you can quickly address any issues or misconfigurations.

Cost Implications with Third-party Providers

It's crucial to be aware, especially if you're using a third-party Kafka provider that charges based on the number of messages sent, that frequent pausing and resuming can inflate costs. This is due to the aforementioned frequent prefetching of the same data, which can result in the same messages being counted multiple times for billing purposes. Always ensure alignment and configuration are optimized to prevent unnecessary financial implications.

karafka seek misuse impact

*This example showcases the consequences of improperly using #seek (as seen on the left) versus the improved results after consulting with the Karafka team. The daily network traffic resulting from such misuse came with a hefty price tag of USD 2,500 daily.


In conclusion, while the #pause and #seek methods in Karafka provide valuable functionalities, it's vital to understand their implications regarding system performance and potential costs. Proper configuration and mindful usage can help leverage its benefits while mitigating downsides.

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