Detailed Install Instructions - jhermann/artifactory-debian GitHub Wiki

Installing the 'webdav' Plugin

☛ You can choose between packaged and manual installation.

Install the dput-dav Package

Download the latest GitHub master build and install it with either dpkg -i or directly from your browser, using the Ubuntu Software Center or a similar tool.

If you want to build the package yourself, call ./ in the dput-webdav directory, and a Debian package is created in the build directory, containing the plugin and a patched copy of the build host's dput command (thus the whole thing is released under GPLv2).

Then just dpkg -i that on your build host, and once you have everything configured, upload the package using your new dput-dav command to your local repository.

Manual Installation

If for some reason you can't use a packaged installation, copy the plugin to /usr/share/dput, from your local git directory, or directly from GitHub using this command:

sudo bash -c "umask 0133; curl -skS -o /usr/share/dput/ \"

In case you want to use the features as described on Extended 'webdav' Configuration, you also need to apply a dput patch, either globally or by creating a copy in your user account.

# option 1) create a dput-dav derivative globally (needs root)
cd /usr/local/bin
cp -p /usr/bin/dput dput-dav
curl -skS \
    | patch dput-dav

# option 2) apply the patch globally (needs root)
sudo bash -c "\
    curl -skS \
    | patch -bVt /usr/bin/dput"

# option 3) making a local copy in your user account (for mere mortals)
cd ~/bin
cp -p /usr/bin/dput .
curl -skS \
    | patch dput