homework - isel-leic-tds/2223i.LI32D GitHub Wiki

Share your source code with user fmcarvalho in a private Github repository named isel-tds-2223-your_number.

Homework 01 -NaifDate (12-9-2022)

Implement the NaifDate class and its member functions nextMonth(): Int and addDays(inc: Int): NaifDate according to the following behavior:

    println(NaifDate(28, 10, 2022).nextMonth()) // 11
    println(NaifDate(28, 11, 2022).nextMonth()) // 12
    println(NaifDate(28, 12, 2022).nextMonth()) // 1

    println(NaifDate(28, 9, 2022).addDays(73))  // 10-12-2022
    println(NaifDate(28, 9, 2022).addDays(117)) // 23-01-2023

    val d2 = NaifDate(28, 12, 2022)
    println(d2.addDays(43)) // 9-2-2023

Homework 02 - FixedStack (14-9-2022)

Define the new class FixedStack that implements the interface Stack with an immutable approach.

interface Stack<T> {
    fun push(item: T) : Stack<T>
    fun peek(): T
    fun isEmpty(): Boolean
    fun pop(): Stack<T>
class FixedStack<T> : Stack<T>{
    private val head : Node<T>? = null

    override fun push(item: T): Stack<T> = TODO("Not yet implemented")
    override fun peek(): T = TODO("Not yet implemented")
    override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = TODO("Not yet implemented")
    override fun pop(): Stack<T> = TODO("Not yet implemented")

Homework 03 -NaifDate (19-9-2022)

Fix bug in addDays(days: Int) of NaifDate of lesson 4 and implement unit tests to check the correct behavior of NaifDate.

Homework 04 - NaifDate (21-9-2022)

Implement a new version of NaifDate with a strongly typed Month rather than an Int.

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