PFTs - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
pft_spm_done yesno Spirometry completed? 1, Yes ; 0, No
pft_spm_reason_not_done radio Reason spirometry not completed 1, No capacity/equipment not available ; 2, Participant too unwell ; 3, Spirometry contraindicated e.g. active TB, recent eye or abdominal surgery ; 4, Participant declined
pft_spm_date text Date completed
pft_spm_has_report yesno Report/printout available 1, Yes ; 0, No
ptf_equipment text Name & type of equipment
pft_is_post_bronc yesno Was this testing performed after bronchodilation? 1, Yes ; 0, No
pft_tests_done checkbox Have any of the following pulmonary function tests been performed? 1, FEV1 ; 2, FVC ; 3, FEV1/FVC ; 4, TLCO ; 5, KCO ; 6, MIP ; 7, MEP
pft_fev1_r1a text FEV1 reading 1 - actual value
pft_fev1_r2a text FEV1 reading 2 - actual value
pft_fev1_r3a text FEV1 reading 3 - actual value
pft_fvc_r1a text FVC reading 1 - actual value
pft_fvc_r2a text FVC reading 2 - actual value
pft_fvc_r3a text FVC reading 3 - actual value
pft_fev1_fvc_r1 text FEV1/FVC - reading 1
pft_fev1_fvc_r2 text FEV1/FVC - reading 2
pft_fev1_fvc_r3 text FEV1/FVC - reading 3
pft_tlco_date text TLCO - Date complete
pft_tlco_unit radio TLCO - Units 1, mL/mmHg/min ; 2, mmol/min/kPa (SI)
pft_tlco_reading1 text TLCO - Reading 1 - actual value
pft_tlco_reading2 text TLCO - Reading 2 - actual value
pft_kco_date text KCO - Date complete
pft_kco_unit radio KCO - Units 1, mL/mmHg/min ; 2, mmol/min/kPa (SI)
pft_kco_reading1 text KCO - Reading 1 - actual value
pft_kco_reading2 text KCO - Reading 2 - actual value
pft_mip_date text MIP (Max inspiratory pressure) - Date complete
pft_mip_reading text MIP (Max inspiratory pressure) - Reading 1 - actual value
pft_mip_reading2 text MIP (Max inspiratory pressure) - Reading 2 - actual value
pft_mep_date text MEP (Max expiratory pressure) - Date complete
pft_mep_reading1 text MEP (Max expiratory pressure) - Reading 1 - actual value
pft_mep_reading2 text MEP (Max expiratory pressure) - Reading 2 - actual value