Lab Log Routine Blood - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
blood_date text Date
fbc_done FBC checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Haemoglobin ; 2, WBC Count ; 3, Neutrophil Count ; 4, Lymphocyte Count ; 5, Eosinophils ; 6, Haematocrit ; 7, Platelets
haemo_less_greater dropdown Haemoglobin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
haemo_result text Haemoglobin - Result (g/L)
haemo_other_unit text Haemoglobin - If using a different unit other than g/L
wbc_less_greater dropdown WBC Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
wbc_result text WBC count - Result (10^9/L)
wbc_other_unit text WBC count - If using a different unit other than 10^9/L
neutro_less_greater dropdown Neutrophil Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
neut_result text Neutrophil count - Result (10^9/L)
neut_other_unit text Neutrophil count - If using a different unit other than 10^9/L
lympho_less_greater dropdown Lymphocyte Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
lymp_result text Lymphocyte count - Result (10^9/L)
lymp_other_unit text Lymphocyte count - If using a different unit other than 10^9/L
eos_less_greater dropdown Eosinophils - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
eos_result text Eosinophils - Result (10^9/L)
eos_other_unit text Eosinophils - If using a different unit other than 10^9/L
haema_less_greater dropdown Haematocrit - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
haema_result text Haematocrit - Result (%)
haema_other_unit text Haematocrit - If using a different unit other than %
plat_less_greater dropdown Platelets - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
plat_result text Platelets - Result (10^9/L)
plat_other_unit text Platelets - If using a different unit other than 10^9/L
ues_done U&Es checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Urea ; 2, Creatinine ; 3, Sodium ; 4, Potassium ; 5, eGFR
urea_less_greater dropdown Urea - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
urea_result text Urea - Result (mmol/L)
urea_other_unit text Urea - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
crea_less_greater dropdown Creatinine - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crea_result text Creatinine - Result (μmol/L)
crea_other_unit text Creatinine - If using a different unit other than μmol/L
na_less_greater dropdown Sodium - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
na_result text Sodium - Result (mmol/L)
na_other_unit text Sodium - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
k_less_greater dropdown Potassium - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
k_result text Potassium - Result (mmol/L)
k_other_unit text Potassium - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
egfr_less_greater dropdown eGFR - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
egfr_result text eGFR - Result (ml/min/1.73m^2)
egfr_other_unit text eGFR - If using a different unit other than ml/min/1.73m^2
lft_done LFTs checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Total bilirubin ; 2, ALT (alanine transaminase) ; 3, ALP (alkaline phosphatase) ; 4, GGT (gamma-GT) ; 5, Albumin ; 6, Total protein
bili_less_greater dropdown Total Bilirubin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
bili_result text Total bilirubin - Result (μmol/L)
bili_other_unit text Total bilirubin - If using a different unit other than μmol/L
alt_less_greater dropdown ALT (alanine transaminase) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
alt_result text ALT (alanine transaminase) - Result (U/L)
alt_other_unit text ALT (alanine transaminase) - If using a different unit other than U/L
alp_less_greater dropdown ALP (alanine phosphatase) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
alp_result text ALP (alanine phosphatase) - Result (U/L)
alp_other_unit text ALP (alanine phosphatase) - If using a different unit other than U/L
ggt_less_greater dropdown GGT (gamma-GT) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
ggt_result text GGT (gamma-GT) - Result (U/L)
ggt_other_unit text GGT (gamma-GT) - If using a different unit other than U/L
alb_less_greater dropdown Albumin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
alb_result text Albumin (g/L)
alb_other_unit text Albumin - If using a different unit other than g/L
prot_less_greater dropdown Total protein - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
prot_result text Total protein (g/L)
prot_other_unit text Total protein - If using a different unit other than g/L
crp_done CRP checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, CRP
crp_less_greater dropdown CRP - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crp_result text CRP - Result (mg/L)
crp_other_unit text CRP - If using a different unit other than mg/L
bp_done Bone Profile checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Adjusted calcium ; 2, Phosphate ; 3, Magnesium ; 4, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH)
cal_less_greater dropdown Adjusted calcium - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
cal_result text Adjusted calcium - Result (mmol/L)
cal_other_unit text Adjusted calcium - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
pho_less_greater dropdown Phosphate - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
pho_result text Phosphate - Result (mmol/L)
pho_other_unit text Phosphate - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
mg_less_greater dropdown Magnesium - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
mg_result text Magnesium - Result (mmol/L)
mg_other_unit text Magnesium - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
oh_less_greater dropdown 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
oh_result text 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH) - Result (nmol/L)
oh_other_unit text 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH) - If using a different unit other than nmol/L
lp_done Lipid profile (fasting if feasible) checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Cholesterol ; 2, Triglycerides ; 3, HDL cholesterol ; 4, LDL cholesterol
cho_less_greater dropdown Cholesterol - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
cho_result text Cholesterol - Result (mmol/L)
cho_other_unit text Cholesterol - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
tri_less_greater dropdown Triglycerides  - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
tri_result text Triglycerides  - Result (mmol/L)
tri_other_unit text Triglycerides - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
hdl_less_greater dropdown HDL cholesterol - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
hdl_result text HDL cholesterol   - Result (mmol/L)
hdl_other_unit text HDL cholesterol - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
ldl_less_greater dropdown LDL cholesterol - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
ldl_result text LDL cholesterol   - Result (mmol/L)
ldl_other_unit text LDL cholesterol - If using a different unit other than mmol/L
cp_done Cardiac Profile checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Troponin - cTnT ; 2, Troponin - hs-cTnT ; 3, Troponin - cTnI ; 4, Troponin - hs-cTnI ; 5, BNP ; 6, Pro-NT-BNP
trop_ctnt_less_greater dropdown Troponin - cTnT - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
trop_ctnt_result text Troponin - cTnT - Result (ng/L)
trop_ctnt_other_unit text Troponin - cTnT - If using a different unit other than ng/L
trop_hsctnt_less_greater dropdown Troponin - hs-cTnT - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
trop_hsctnt_result text Troponin - hs-cTnT - Result (ng/L)
trop_hsctnt_other_unit text Troponin - hs-cTnT - If using a different unit other than ng/L
trop_ctni_less_greater dropdown Troponin - cTnI - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
trop_ctni_result text Troponin - cTnI - Result (ng/L)
trop_ctni_other_unit text Troponin - cTnI - If using a different unit other than ng/L
trop_hsctni_less_greater dropdown Troponin - hs-cTnI - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
trop_hsctni_result text Troponin - hs-cTnI - Result (ng/L)
trop_hsctni_other_unit text Troponin - hs-cTnI - If using a different unit other than ng/L
bnp_less_greater dropdown BNP - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
bnp_result text BNP - Result (ng/L)
bnp_other_unit text BNP - If using a different unit other than ng/L
pnbnp_less_greater dropdown Pro-NT-BNP - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
pnbnp_result text Pro-NT-BNP - Result (ng/L)
pnbnp_other_unit text Pro-NT-BNP - If using a different unit other than ng/L
hp_done Haematology Profile checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, D-Dimer ; 2, Fibrinogen ; 3, INR ; 4, Ferritin
ddi_unit radio D-Dimer - Unit of measurement 1, ug/mL or mg/L ; 2, ng/mL or ug/L
ddi_assay radio D-Dimer - Unit of measurement 1, FEU ; 2, DDU
ddi_less_greater dropdown D-Dimer - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
ddi_result text D-Dimer - Result
ddi_other_unit text D-Dimer - If using a different unit other than mg/L
fib_less_greater dropdown Fibrinogen - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
fib_result text Fibrinogen (g/L)
fib_other_unit text Fibrinogen - If using a different unit other than g/L
inr_less_greater dropdown INR - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
inr_result text INR - Result
inr_other_unit text INR - If using a different unit
fer_less_greater dropdown Ferritin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
fer_result text Ferritin - Result (μg/L)
fer_other_unit text Ferritin - If using a different unit other than μg/L
dp_done Diabetes Profile (FASTING glucose & Insulin results only) checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, HbA1C ; 2, Glucose ; 3, Insulin
hba1c_less_greater dropdown HbA1C - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
hba1c_result text HbA1C - Result (%)
hba1c_other_unit text HbA1C - If using a different unit other than %
glu_less_greater dropdown Glucose - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
glu_result text Glucose - Result (mmol/L)
glu_other_unit text Glucose - If using a different unit other than (mmol/L)
ins_less_greater dropdown Insulin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
ins_result text Insulin - Result (uIU/mL)
ins_other_unit text Insulin - If using a different unit other than uIU/mL