Final Outcome - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
final_outcome_text1 text Questions in this form will only display if you have selected Yes for Are you completing details for CRF v9.7 or later?, in the Inclusion Criteria form
dsterm_v2 FINAL OUTCOME - this form no longer needs completing dropdown Outcome 1, Same as before illness ; 5, Palliative discharge ; 4, Death ; 3, Transfer to other facility ; 6, N/K
dsstdtc_v2 text (date_dmy) Outcome date
dsstdtc_v2_nk radio Outcome date N/K 1, N/K
suppds_qval_v2 If discharged alive dropdown Ability to self-care at discharge versus before illness: 1, Same as before illness ; 2, Worse ; 3, Better ; N/A
oxygen_proccur_v2 radio Post-discharge treatment: Oxygen therapy
siteid_v2 If transferred text If Transferred: Facility name
siteid_v2_nk radio If Transferred: Facility name N/K 1, N/K
siteyn_v2 radio If transferred, is the transfer facility a study site? 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/K
siteyn_v3 radio If a Study Site: Participant number at new facility 1, Same as the above ; 2, Different ; 3, N/K
subjidcat_v2 text If a Study Site: Participant # at new facility
final_outcome_complete Form Status dropdown Final Outcome section complete? 0, Incomplete ; 1, Unverified ; 2, Complete