DXA - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
dxa_done yesno DXA performed? 1, Yes ; 0, No
dxa_date text Date completed
dxa_total_bm text Total body mass
dxa_total_fm text Total fat mass weight
dxa_total_fm_pc calc Total % fat [dxa_total_fm] / [dxa_total_bm] * 100
dxa_total_lm text Total lean mass weight
dxa_arms_lm text Arms lean mass weight
dxa_arms_fm text Arms fat mass weight
dxa_arms_bmc text Arms BMC
dxa_legs_lm text Legs lean mass weight
dxa_legs_fm text Legs fat mass weight
dxa_legs_bmc text Legs BMC
dxa_bmc text Total bone mineral content (BMC)
dxa_bmd text Total bone mineral density (BMD)
dxa_bmd_hip text Total hip BMD
dxa_bmd_fem text Femoral neck BMD
dxa_bmd_lum text L1 - L4 Lumbar spine BMD
dxa_fracture yesno As an adult, did you sustained a spontaneous or minimally traumatic fracture e.g. falling from a standing height? 1, Yes ; 0, No
dxa_fracture_parent radio Have either of your parents had a hip fracture? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K