Shared Folder Tips - hawkinsw/CS5138 GitHub Wiki

It's recommended to set up a shared folder in your VMs so you can easily keep your work in sync with your host machine. First, you'll need the Guest Additions set up inside your VM (there's lots of guides online, but it should be straightforward). After that, just use the Devices->Shared Folders menu to pick a path on your host machine to share (preferably something new and empty, just in case we ever run live malware) and set it to Auto-mount and Make Permanent. You'll need to give it the path where you want it to appear in the VM (the mount point) as well. Then run sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf `whoami` and sudo chown -R `whoami`:users /your/chosen/mount/point/from/earlier and log out/in. Easy!