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# WFDB Record

> **Date:** Tue 10 Mar 2020 06:15:25 AM UTC
> **Summary:** Overview of the Waveform Database (WFDB) record format
> **Keywords:** ##summary #wfdb #dataformat #storage #healthcare #opensource #standard 

## **Note Linked To:**

### [The Technology Index](03162020223918-technology-index)
- **Summary:** This index is a compilation of utilities and resources when working with any sort of technology.


## **Overview:**

The Waveform Database (WFDB) Library is a record management system to handle already existing databases - it itself is not a database but a collection of tools to handle databases that follow the WFDB format. [@moodyWFDBProgrammerGuide2019] Furthermore, WFDB can be used for viewing, analyzing, and creating recordings of physiological signals [@garciamartinezLoadingPlottingFiltering2017].

## **How It Works:**

The way that the WFDB record format works is that it utilizes [@moodyWFDBProgrammerGuide2019]:

- **Header Files** to specify the characteristics of a signal (sampling frequency, etc.)
- **Annotation Files** to record annotations corresponding to a signal (generally kept in time with the rest of the signal)

## **Example Application - ECG Data:**

For example, when working with ECG data, the format utilizes the header and annotation files as follows [@moodyWFDBProgrammerGuide2019]:

- **Header Files** - could contain information about lead count, calibration format, etc.
- **Annotation Files** - could contain other information such as beat positions.

## **Miscellaneous Notes:**

- WFDB is considered a standard data format within the research world, and has found application in industry as well.
- The WFDB format is generally used for ECG records - however, it can extend to other data formats.
- A possible alternative to the WFDB record format is the European Data Format+ (EDF+) [@garciamartinezLoadingPlottingFiltering2017].

### **References:** 




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