Sample config.rb - gollum/gollum GitHub Wiki

Below is an example of settings you can change using a config.rb file. Don't forget to run Gollum with the --config flag to use the config file. The options below can also be used inside a file when running Gollum as a Rack app.


From within a config file, you can also override Gollum's functionality by redefining constants or subclassing. For example, you can:


Note that most of the options below have equivalents command line switches, with the exception of some:

  • :default_keybinding
  • :follow_renames
  • :local_time
  # Launch Gollum using a specific git adapter. See
  # Default: rugged
  # Equivalent to --adapter [ADAPTER]

  module Gollum
    # to require 'my_adapter':
    Gollum::GIT_ADAPTER = "my"

  wiki_options = {


    # Enable file uploads. If set to 'dir', Gollum will store all uploads in the
    # /uploads/ directory in repository root. If set to 'page', Gollum will
    # store each upload at the currently edited page.
    # Default: false

    # Equivalent to --allow-uploads dir
    #allow_uploads: true,

    # Equivalent to --allow-uploads page
    #allow_uploads: true,
    #per_page_uploads: true,

    # Set the path to look for static assets.
    # Equivalent to --assets [PATH]

    #static_assets_path: [PATH]

    # Tell Gollum that the git repository should be treated as bare.
    # Equivalent to --bare

    #repo_is_bare: true,

    # Specify the leading portion of all Gollum URLs (path info). Setting this to
    # /wiki will make the wiki accessible under http://localhost:4567/wiki/.
    # Default: /
    # Equivalent to --base-path [PATH]

    #base_path: [PATH],

    # Enable support for annotations using CriticMarkup.
    # Equivalent to --critic-markup

    #critic_markup: true,

    # Tell Gollum to inject custom CSS into each page. Uses custom.css from wiki
    # root
    # Equivalent to --css

    #css: true,

    # What should the default keybinding be on the edit page? Note: the editor will anyway remember the last choice the user made, so this is only to specify the default.

    #default_keybinding: vim
    #default_keybinding: emacs

    # Parse and interpret emoji tags (e.g. :heart:) except when the leading colon
    # is backslashed (e.g. \:heart:).
    # Equivalent to --emoji

    #emoji: true,

    # Tell Gollum to use the first <h1> as page title.
    # Equivalent to --h1-title

    #h1_title: true,

    # Specify the hostname or IP address to listen on.
    # Default: ''.
    # Equivalent to --host [HOST]

    # ???

    # Launch Gollum in "console mode", with a predefined API.
    # Equivalent to --irb

    # ???

    # Tell Gollum to inject custom JS into each page. Uses custom.js from wiki
    # root.
    # Equivalent to --js

    #js: true,

    # Compatibility with 4.x
    # Internal links resolve case-insensitively, will treat spaces as hyphens, and
    # will match the first page found with a certain filename, anywhere in the
    # repository. Provides compatibility with Gollum 4.x.
    # Equivalent to --lenient-tag-lookup

    #hyphened_tag_lookup: true,
    #case_insensitive_tag_lookup: true,
    #global_tag_lookup: true,

    # Use the browser's local timezone instead of the server's timezone for displaying dates.

    #show_local_time: true

    # Equivalent to --math. Set math parsing to either mathjax or katex (default)

    #math: :mathjax,
    #math: :katex,

    # Specify path to a custom MathJax configuration.
    # Default: mathjax.config.js file from repository root.
    # Equivalent to --mathjax-config [FILE]

    #mathjax_config: [FILE],

    # Do not render metadata tables in pages.
    # Equivalent to --no-display-metadata

    #display_metadata: false,

    # Disable the feature of editing pages.
    # Default: true
    # Equivalent to --no-edit

    #allow_editing: false,

    # Specify the subdirectory for all pages. If set, Gollum will only serve pages
    # from this directory and its subdirectories.
    # Default: repository root.
    # Equivalent to --page-file-dir [PATH]

    #page_file_dir: [PATH],

    # Follow pages across renames in the History view. You may set this to `false` to improve performance on wikis with very large histories. 
    # Default: true.

    #follow_renames: true,

    # Specify the port to bind Gollum with.
    # Default: 4567.
    # Equivalent to --port [PORT]

    # ???

    # Specify the git branch to serve.
    # Default: master.
    # Equivalent to --ref [REF]

    #ref: [REF],

    # Use static assets.
    # Defaults to false in development/test, true in
    # production/staging.

    # Equivalent to --static
    #static: true,

    # Equivalent to --no-static
    #static: false,

    # Specify custom mustache template directory.
    # Equivalent to --template-dir [PATH]

    #template_dir: [PATH],

    # Use _Template in root as a template for new pages. Must be committed.
    # Equivalent to --template-page

    #template_page: true,

    # Tell Gollum to use specific user icons for history view. Can be set to
    # gravatar, identicon or none.
    # Default: none.
    # Equivalent to --user-icons [MODE]

    #user_icons: [MODE],

    # Metadata (front matter)

    # Header counting
    # Default: false
    # Can also be a pre-defined counter. See

    #header_enum: false,
    #header_enum: 'decimal-leading-zero',

    # Global metadata. Arbitrary metadata that will be applied to each page.

    #metadata: {
    #  monkeyboys: 'are loose in the facility'

    # Tips

    # Force table of contents tag ([_TOC_](/gollum/gollum/wiki/_TOC_)) into each page.
    # ??? How to set the level in the configuration file?
    # Default: false

    #universal_toc: false,

    # Move the sidebar to the left of the page

    #sidebar: :left,

    # Change the home page name

    #index_page: 'index',

    # Change the number of changes in the rss feed

    #pagination_count: 15

  # Change default markup
  #Precious::App.set(:default_markup, :asciidoc)

  Precious::App.set(:wiki_options, wiki_options)