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GSIP 135

NielsCharlier edited this page Jan 13, 2016 · 14 revisions

GSIP 135 - Layer Group Extensions


  • Extend the LayerGroupInfo interface and its implementations with the property List<MetadataLinkInfo> metadataLinks (similar to ResourceInfo)

  • Move the property AttributionInfo attribution from LayerInfo to PublishedInfo, and update all implementations accordingly.

GUI, REST and GetCapabilities would be adjusted accordingly. The LayerGroup GUI Page will have tabs and look more similar to the Layer/Resource GUI Page.

Proposed By

Niels Charlier

Assigned to Release

This feature is intended for GeoServer 2.9.


Choose one of:

  • Under Discussion
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • Deferred


Two motivations:

  • User wants Layergroups to have AttributionInfo, similar to Layers.

  • User wants to specify MetadataLinks for Layergroups, similar to Layer. At the moment Layergroups show the aggregated MetadataLinks of all their layers. Setting this property would override that behaviour.


API Change

Prior to this proposal LayerInfo declares the following methods:

AttributionInfo getAttribution()
void setAttribution(AttributionInfo attribution);

These would be moved to PublishedInfo.

LayerGroupInfo would get the following additional methods:

List<MetadataLinkInfo> getMetadataLinks();
void setMetadataLinks(List<MetadataLinkInfo> metaDataLinks)


All implementations are updated with new properties.

  • REST & Catalog store: Should support changes automatically through XStream.

  • GUI: For the LayerGroup to look more similar to the LayerPage, the code should be as integrated as possible through abstraction, relying on PublishedInfo where possible, and creating an abstract MetaDataLinks Panel that can save to a Resource as well as to a LayerGroup.

  • GetCapabilities: Currently MetaDataLinks are provided for a layergroup, which are aggregated from all of its layers. This will still exist as a fallback method, when there have been no metadatalinks provided.



This section should contain feedback provided by PSC members who may have a problem with the proposal.

Backwards Compatibility

There should be no issues. LayerInfo still has the same properties, be it that AttributionInfo is now inherited from its parent. LayerGroupInfo only has additional properties.


  • Alessio Fabiani:
  • Andrea Aime: +1
  • Ben Caradoc Davies: +0
  • Christian Mueller: +1
  • Gabriel Roldan:+1
  • Jody Garnett: +1
  • Jukka Rahkonen: +1
  • Justin Deoliveira:
  • Phil Scadden: +1
  • Simone Giannecchini: +0


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