Mockup Design - eraykahraman/SWE-573 GitHub Wiki

Project description

Our project aims to design develop a web site which is a forum where people can investigate interesting objects.

Mockup scenario

Eray found an object which is made of wood and metal in his grand parents home. Eray had no idea what is this object and decided to investigate it in web. Eray found a web site which is usefull for this aim, created an account and post his object. Site ask Eray to provide features of the object, Eray saw that he can add labels to the post. Eray set the post quickly and navigate the home page to discover the web site.

Eray found list of posts that isposted by other users, he saw that he can contribute the work to find what are those objects. Eray also saw that he got a short cut to his own posts. Then Eray get a notification, somebody commented to his post.


Eray saw that his own post page got a comment see conversation below.

Responder: Can you share material properties?

Eray: Eray saw that he can update labels, he added wooden and metal label to his post and answered "sure I added".

Responder: Does any text available on the object ?

Eray: Eray saw that some text available, Eray decided to update post and add more images of the object and replied " yes I updated the post"

Responder: I know that text that is an old musical equipment producer. " responder adds musical label". Can you provide some more details.

" when musical label added some other responders arrive and define object as a mechanical metronome"

Eray: Closes the post.

Starting from beginning

Enter page


Eray clicked sign up

image Eray choose a user name and a password and creates an account.

Eray go back to main page and selects log in

Eray logged in.
