VHA Team Management - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki

The team management feature identifies new VHA users and allows them to request access to join VHA organizations. The feature also implements for VHA administrators a way to approve and deny users access.

  • Accessing VHA Help Page – The VHA Help page is where users can find answers to frequently asked questions and request access to VHA and VHA Organizations.
    • First Time User
      • When signing in as a first-time user to caseflow a banner is show to “Request access”
      • Clicking this button will navigate the user to the “VHA Help” page
      • Start of first-time user flow: code here
  • Existing User
    • When signed in as an existing user, the user may navigate to the VHA Help page by clicking the Username dropdown in the top right corner and selecting the “Help” option
    • Selecting “VHA Help” on the Help page will navigate the user to the “VHA Help” page
  • Requesting Access – Users can request to have General Access to the VHA organization or Specialized Access to Predocket organizations or Program Offices. If the user has access to any of the organizations or has pending membership requests, these options will be grayed out and unclickable. There is also an optional text field for the user to give more context and their reason for requesting access.
  • General Access

    • A user may request access to the VHA organization, this will not give the user permission to navigate to specialized queues
  • Specialized Access

    • A user may request access to one or more Predocket and Program Office organizations. Requesting access here also requests access to the VHA organization mentioned above, if the user already does not have access.
    • This code determines available options: code here
    • This is locked behind the feature toggle programOfficeTeamManagement
  • Emails

    • Admin - An email is sent to each of the admins of the organizations, notifying them of a new request for access.
    • User – User who submitted the request receives an email confirming their request was submitted successfully
    • Emails are kicked off from the Membership Request Controller here: code here
  • Requests in Team Management Page – As an admin you can navigate to the team management page and see all pending requests to your organization. On this page you can approve or deny pending requests and add users to the organization using the search bar.

  • Approval – An admin can navigate to the pending requests section of the page and select a pending request to work on. Selecting the “-“ will reveal any notes left by the requestor for the Admin. Selecting the actions dropdown will reveal the option to approve, once approved a banner will appear confirming the approval and the user’s request is removed and the user is added to the organization members list at the bottom.
  • Denial – An admin can navigate to the pending requests section of the page and select a pending request to work on. Selecting the “-“ will reveal any notes left by the requestor for the Admin. Selecting the actions dropdown will reveal the option to deny, once an admin denies the request, a success message appears confirming the denial and the user’s request is removed.


User is approved to join Specialized Org (more pending)

User is approved to join Specialized Org (no pending)

User is approved to join General VHA

User is denied membership to a Specialized Org (more pending)

User is denied membership to a Specialized Org (no pending)

User is denied membership to a General VHA

  • We decide if a user can view links to the team management page starting in the application controller here
  • Pending requests are under the Organizations::UsersController here
  • The team management page for orgs is under client/app/queue/OrganizationUsers.jsx. The components actually titled TeamManagement are for managing every team in Caseflow.