Correspondence Queue - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki


Correspondence Queue is a workflow management tool that allows the Inbound Ops Team to view and process Correspondence Tasks. It is also the default entry point for anything related to Correspondence within Caseflow. For additional information on the statuses for correspondence, see Correspondence Statuses.


Your Correspondence

Your Correspondence is a queue table that displays the current users' cases. It is limited to Inbound Ops Team Users and Superusers.

Tabs on the Your Correspondence table:

  • Assigned Tab - Correspondence Tasks assigned to user
    • /models/queue_tabs/correspondence_assigned_tasks_tab.rb
    • ReviewPackageTasks that are currently assigned to current user
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • Review Package
  • In Progress Tab - Correspondence Tasks user has in progress
    • /models/queue_tabs/correspondence_in_progress_tasks_tab.rb
    • CorrespondenceTasks that are assigned to current user and are either "in_progress" or "on_hold"
    • Does not include eFolderUploadFailedTask
      • eFolderUploadFailedTasks will cause a failure banner to display for CorrespondenceIntakeTasks and ReviewPackageTasks that failed to upload, but only the parent CorrespondenceIntakeTask or ReviewPackageTask will show in the user's Queue.
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • Review Package Task - Review Package
      • Correspondence Intake Task - Intake
        • If user is original one who started intake, resumes that intake on step 3 of the intake
        • If user is not original intake user, cancels in-progress intake and creates new one
  • Completed Tab - Correspondence Tasks completed by user
    • /models/queue_tabs/correspondence_completed_tasks_tab.rb
    • Correspondences that have a completed CorrespondenceRootTask tree
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • under_construction page (Future work - Details Page)

Your Correspondence Screenshot

Correspondence Cases

Correspondence Cases is a queue table that shows all correspondence cases. It is limited to Inbound Ops Team Supervisors and Inbound Ops Team Superusers.

Tabs on the Correspondence Cases table:

  • Unassigned Tab - Correspondence Tasks not assigned
    • /models/queue_tabs/organization_correspondence_unassigned_tasks_tab.rb
    • CorrespondenceTasks that have an "unassigned" status
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • Review Package
  • Action Required Tab - Correspondence Tasks requiring action (Reassign, Split, Merge)
    • /models/queue_tabs/organization_correspondence_action_required_tasks_tab.rb
    • CorrespondenceTasks that are active package action tasks:
      • ReassignPackageTask
      • RemovePackageTask (limited to Inbound Ops Team Supervisor)
      • SplitPackageTask
      • MergePackageTask
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • Reassign - Reassign modal
      • Remove - Remove modal (disabled if not Inbound Ops Team Supervisor)
      • Split - under_construction (Future Work)
      • Merge - under_construction (Future Work)
  • Pending Tab - Correspondence Tasks currently pending
    • /models/queue_tabs/organization_correspondence_pending_tasks_tab.rb
    • CorrespondenceMailTasks that are currently active
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • under_construction (Future Work)
  • Assigned Tab - Correspondence Tasks currently assigned
    • /models/queue_tabs/organization_correspondence_assigned_tasks_tab.rb
    • CorrespondenceTasks that are active and not assigned to an Organization
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • Review Package Task - Review Package
      • Efolder Upload Failed Task - Review Package
      • Correspondence Intake Task - Intake
        • If user is original one who started intake, resumes that intake on step 3 of the intake
        • If user is not original intake user, cancels in-progress intake and creates new one
  • Completed Tab - Correspondence Tasks that have been completed
    • /models/queue_tabs/organization_correspondence_completed_tasks_tab.rb
    • Correspondences that have a completed CorrespondenceRootTask
    • Veteran Details link routes to:
      • under_construction page (Future Work)

Correspondence Cases Screenshot


  • Front-end search for current Tab and Page
  • Returns results for any visible column
    • Example: "12" will return results for both Veteran Details that have a 12 in their number, as well as any visible date that includes a 12 (for either month, day, or year).

Filter and Sort

  • Sort
    • Default - VA DOR
    • Ascending or Descending
  • Filter by these columns when that specific column is available on a tab:
    • Package Document Type
    • VA Date of Receipt
    • Tasks
    • Date Completed

Technical Notes

  • correspondence_config.rb
    • Inherits from QueueConfig
    • Handles the configuration of the Correspondence Table
      • Calls correspondence_task_pager.rb to build tab with tasks
        • Creates page and task counts for pagination
      • Creates endpoint url
      • Calls correspondence task column serializer to attach tasks to columns and tab
      • Handles Table Title, Active Tab, and Sorting Defaults
  • correspondence_task_pager.rb
    • Inherits from TaskPager
      • Calls correspondence_queue_tab.rb for Tab Details
      • Maps tasks to tab
      • Handles details for pagination
  • correspondence_queue_tab.rb
    • Inherits from QueueTab
      • Builds Tab with details, attributes and tasks
      • Maps column names to tab
  • correspondence_task_filter.rb
    • Inherits from TaskFilter
      • Handles all the filtering of tasks based on specific column(task) details matching