Correspondence Details - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki

Introduction and Purpose

The Correspondence Details page allows an Inbound Ops Team User/Superuser/Supervisor to view the details of a completed record.

How to Access

  • The Correspondence Details page can be accessed from the completed tab in Correspondence Queue or the pending tab in Correspondence Cases.
  • Anyone in Caseflow can access Correspondence Details Page, while Inbound Ops team members are the only ones that can edit the Correspondence Details page

Inbounds Ops Team Members & Their Permissions


  • Can add Associated Prior Mail to the correspondence.
  • Can add Response Letters related to the correspondence up to a maximum of 3 Response Letters.
  • Can link existing appeals to the correspondence

Inbound_Ops_Team_Superuser & Inbound_Ops_Team_Supervisor

  • Can add or remove Associated Prior Mail to the correspondence.
  • Can add Response Letters related to the correspondence up to a maximum of 3 Response Letters.
  • Can link existing appeals to the correspondence or remove existing appeals on the correspondence

The 4 tabs on the Correspondence Details Page are as follows:

  1. Correspondence and Appeal Tasks
  2. Package Details
  3. Response Letters
  4. Associated Prior Mail

Correspondence and Appeal Tasks Tab

Completed Mail Tasks

  • Mail tasks are marked as previously completed in the Correspondence Intake workflow


Existing Appeals

  • Appeals tied to the veteran
  • Appeals that have a checkbox next to them have a correspondence_appeal relationship with the correspondence.


Tasks not related to an appeal

  • CorrespondenceMailTasks that need to be worked on the correspondence


Package Details Tab

General Information

  • General Information will include the following:
    • Veteran Details
    • Correspondence Type
    • Package Document Type
    • VA DOR
    • Notes


Response Letters Tab

Response Letter

  • The Response Letter will include the following information:
    • Letter Response Expiration
    • Date Response Letter Sent
    • Letter type
    • Letter title
    • Letter subcategory
    • Letter Subcategory reasons


Associated Prior Mail Tab

Associated Prior Mail

  • Associated Prior Mail will include the following:
    • It will include all prior mail that is linked to the current correspondence
    • VA DOR
    • Package Document Type
    • Correspondence Type
    • Notes
