%F0%9F%A6%BE Let%27s get started with contributing to CURIE%21 - curiousyuvi/curie GitHub Wiki

🤗 Welcome to the CURIE wiki!


Curie is an app that allows users to chat and listen to synced songs in chat rooms, the playback of the song will be controlled by a chosen DJ / Admin, other members of the room can suggest songs and members can vote 👍️ or 👎️ for that suggestion.


Frontend (client)

Backend (server)

Contribution Guide

  • Configure Development Environment

    Configuring client

    • Clone the repository : git clone https://github.com/curiousyuvi/curie.git

    • Open the client directory : cd curie/client/

    • Create a .env file : touch .env

    • Inside the .env file write : REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:5000

    Configuring server

    • Open the server directory : cd ../server/

    • Create a config directory and open it : mkdir config && cd config

    • Create a dev.env file : touch dev.env

    • Inside the dev.env file write :

    • Now to get Spotify_client_id and Spotify_client_secret, head to Spotify Developer Dashboard and login with your Spotify Account.

    • Then click on CREATE AN APP button in Spotify Dashboard and create a spotify app.

    • Then inside the app, go to EDIT SETTINGS and add http://localhost:3000/spotify_callback/ to Redirect URIs and SAVE the settings.

    • Then inside the app, go to USERS AND ACCESS and add your Spotify Account with email by clicling on ADD NEW USER.

    • After that, copy your Client ID and Client Secret from the app into your dev.env file

  • Running Development Server

    • To run the server, we need to have docker installed in our system, head to Get Docker to install docker according to your system.

    • Make sure docker is installed correctly, by running:

      docker --version

      If its installed correctly, you would get an output like:

      Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
    • Now inside the root directory, run this command:

      sudo make run
    • If there are no issues and every thing goes well, then React client should be running on http://localhost:3000/, Node server should be running on http://localhost:5000/ and Mongo Express should be running on http://localhost:8081/

    • To stop the containers type ctrl+c and run:

      sudo make stop
    • To remove the containers and their networks and volumes, run:

      sudo make remove
    • To remove the containers, their networks and volumes, also the client and server images , run:

      sudo make hard-remove

      🥳 Happy Contributing!

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