Wishes - coq/coq GitHub Wiki
This page is for collecting wishes for Coq and possibly discuss their feasibility. For CoqIde see CoqIDE wishes page. For the standard library, see StandardLibrary and ReflectionOnStandardLibrary
Granted in PR #8064, later extended to custom string notations.
Granted in PR #8115.
Note: The 2nd and 3rd examples are available from Coq 8.6 thanks to PR #142.
The notion of binders could be more general than it is. For instance it would be convenient to be able to write
Definition f x (y1,y2) z := ....
or Definition f x ((y1,y2) as y) z := ....
Definition f x y z := let (y1,y2) := y in ...
Definition f x '(C y1 y2 y3) z := ....
Definition f x y z := let '(C y1 y2 y3) := y in ...
or, for records, something like
Definition f x {|snd:=y2;fst:=y1|} z := ....
Definition f x y z := let '(y1,y2) := y in ...
For implicit arguments, one could force to have a surrounding '{... as y}' ??
Automatically build _rect
eliminators for inductive propositions with several constructors whose constructors have disjoint conclusions and whose constructors have only propositional (possibly recursive) arguments as in, e.g.:
Inductive le_list a : list nat -> Prop :=
| le_list_nil : le_list a nil
| le_list_cons b l : a <= b -> le_list a (b :: l).
Lemma le_list_inv : forall a b l, le_list a (b :: l) -> a <= b.
Proof. intros; inversion H; trivial. Defined.
Lemma le_list_rect : forall a (P : list nat -> Type),
P nil -> (forall b l, a <= b -> P (b :: l)) -> forall l : list nat, le_list a l -> P l.
Proof. induction l; firstorder using le_list_inv. Defined.
Automatically equip simple algebraic data-types with a canonical total ordering of it
See #6061.
Coercions are from a class to another class, class being either a name, a dependent product or a sort.
A natural enhancement would be to extend classes to patterns, in such a way that e.g. {x:nat|_}
could be seen as class and the projection of {x:nat|_}
to nat
be seen as coercion.
More generally, classes could be bound variables, so that e.g. the projection from {x:A|_}
to A
could be used as a generic coercion.
The transitive closure of coercions could then not be computed in finite time, but it could e.g. be computed lazily, or at worst dynamically.
See discussion at #4593.
Note: command Arguments
in version 8.4 allows to control such a reduction (e.g. Arguments minus !n !m.
, or rather a better simpl
with a different name, should not simplify minus O x
in the following definition:
Fixpoint minus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n, m with
| O, _ => n
| S k, O => n
| S k, S l => k - l
It should wait for falling in one of the given n-ary clauses.
Tactic injection should turn equations of the form "(exists P x p) = (exists P y q)" into "H : x = y" and "H': rew H in p = q" instead of keeping them as elements of sigma-types which cannot be rewritten as such. Not only this is more readable, but, then, when x or y is a variable, H can be rewritten (possibly on the fly with the "as" clause), and H' become "p = q".
Shouldn't rewriting apply first injection and rewrite the resulting equalities so that e.g. rewrite H:(exists P x p) = (exists P y q) works on statements of the form "Q x" or "R p", where x and p do not occur as part of an exists expression?
Should be able to work on heterogenous equalities as in:
Require Import Vector Eqdep.
Goal forall (a n : nat) (l : t nat n), eq_dep nat (t nat) 0 (nil nat) (S n) (cons nat a n l) -> False.
intros * H.
discriminate H.
Implicitly suggested by Iris: "specialize H with (n:=?)" could open a subgoal proving the n-th hypothesis of "H" (and specializing "H").
When referring to propositional hypotheses, it would be often convenient to refer to them by type. One could for instance imagine typing "induction (le n m)" to mean induction on the (say first) hypothesis of type "(le n m)". A notation for that could be for instance "induction :(le n m)".
Prune the proof terms produced by tauto/intuition/omega (by removal of unnecessary steps) so that they're shorter and we can use them w/o endanger an arbitrary increase of the size of the proof.
See UnificationProblems.
Here is an example from file Sorted in standard library. In the proof of Sorted_extends
one needs an inversion lemma of the following form:
Lemma inversion (P:A -> list A -> Prop)
(base : forall a, Sorted [] -> HdRel a [] -> P a [])
(step : forall a b l, P b l -> Sorted (b::l) -> HdRel a (b::l) -> P a (b::l)) :
forall a l, Sorted (a::l) -> P a l.
Proof (fix f a l H :=
match H in Sorted l return match l return Prop with [] => True | a :: l => P a l end with
| @Sorted_cons a [] HS HH => base a HS HH
| @Sorted_cons a (b::l) HS HH => step a b l (f b l HS) HS HH
| @Sorted_nil => I
One would like that induction
on an hypothesis of the form Sorted (a::l)
automatically uses this schema.
See Boutillier and Braibant's invert tactic for preliminary work in this direction.
Typing L*tac* (details to be given).
Providing functions to know the structure of inductive types, like the number of constructors (details to be given).
Support for matching terms below binders.
Extend the guard condition so as to support lexicographic ordering. At worst, Coq could support automatic insertion of subfixpoint in recursive function on lexicographic ordering. E.g.
Fixpoint merge l1 l2 :=
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ => l2
| _, [] => l1
| a1::l1', a2::l2' =>
if a1 <=? a2 then a1 :: merge l1' l2 else a2 :: merge l1 l2'
could be accepted and produce:
Definition merge :=
fix merge l1 l2 :=
let fix merge_aux l2 :=
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ => l2
| _, [] => l1
| a1::l1', a2::l2' =>
if a1 <=? a2 then a1 :: merge l1' l2 else a2 :: merge_aux l2'
in merge_aux l2.
This is not as useful as native support for lexicographic ordering because when exposed, merge_aux l2
will not appear as merge l1 l2
When unfolding a fixpoint and reducing it, we are left with a fix
expression which in principle could be refolded when this expression is associated to a definition. What are the issues if we modify the rule for unfolding "named fixpoint" in the kernel.
Support mutual fixpoints with dependencies as e.g. in:
Notation "x .1" := (projT1 x) (at level 1, left associativity, format "x .1").
Notation "x .2" := (projT2 x) (at level 1, left associativity, format "x .2").
Fixpoint f (n:nat) : Type :=
match n with
| 0 => unit
| S n => {x:f n | g n x}
with g (n:nat) : f n -> Prop :=
match n with
| 0 => fun _ => True
| S n => fun x => g n x.1 /\ x = x
There is for instance an application in constructing semi-simplicial types. Currently, one needs to do
Fixpoint fg (n:nat) : {A:Type & A -> Prop} :=
match n with
| 0 => existT (fun A:Type => A -> Prop) unit (fun _ => True)
| S n => let (fn,gn) := fg n in existT (fun A:Type => A -> Prop) {x:fn & gn x} (fun x => gn x.1 /\ x=x)
Definition f n := (fg n).1.
Definition g n := (fg n).2.
A definition such as
Fixpoint map {A B} (f:A->B) l :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| cons n l => cons (f n) (map f l)
cannot be used in the presence of
Inductive tree := node : nat -> list tree -> tree.
to define
Fixpoint map_tree f t :=
match t with node n l => node (f n) (map (map_tree f) l) end.
Conversely, if one had defined map as follows:
Definition map {A B} (f:A->B) :=
fix map l :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| cons n l => cons (f n) (map l)
one could have define map_tree above.
The first definition is more natural than the latter one. What is missing for the first definition to be used in map_tree is that a fixpoint detects which of its parameters are uniform and hence substituable, as if presented with the latter form.
Relevant code is in branch Fix of function check_rec_call in Inductive.check_one_fix [Feb 2016].
A mutual inductive definition such as
Inductive Tree : bool -> Type :=
| leaf : Tree true
| node : forall b, TreePair b -> Tree false
with TreePair (b:bool) : Type :=
| stp : Tree b -> Tree b -> TreePair Tree b.
is not supported with the message that all parameters should be the same for all inductive type of the block. However, it can be simulated with
Inductive TreePair Tree (b:bool) : Type :=
| stp : Tree b -> Tree b -> TreePair Tree b.
Inductive Tree : bool -> Type :=
| leaf : Tree true
| node : forall b, TreePair Tree b -> Tree false.
Why not to provide it natively? (Agda does for instance)
See also Coq club (16 Oct 2009).
See also a proposal for a more flexible handling of parameters and indices in mutual inductive types
Positivity requirement prevents writing an inductive type of the form
Inductive foo :=
| Foo : forall b : bool, match bool with true => unit | false => foo end -> foo
because match
blocks are always considered non-positive. Nonetheless, it is still correct to add the following clause to the strict positivity condition.
appears strictly positively inmatch M as x in T return P with p₁ => u₁ | ... | pₙ => uₙ end
does not appear inT
appears strictly positively inu₁
Such a rule can be logically reduced to the use of nested inductive types, by replacing the pattern-matching clause with a parameterized inductive type whose cases encode the various branches. The above generic match can be turned into
Tᵣ i M
Inductive Tᵣ : forall (i : I) (x : T{i}), P i x -> Type :=
| cᵣ₁ => forall a₁, Tᵣ r₁ (c₁ a₁) (u₁{p₁ := a₁})
| cᵣₙ => forall aₙ, Tᵣ rₙ (cₙ aₙ) (uₙ{pₙ := aₙ})
Inductive T : I -> Type :=
| c₁ => forall a₁, T r₁
| cₙ => forall aₙ, T rₙ
This encoding does not provide the desired conversion rules though, which makes the pattern-matching variant better.
See #1433.
In many cases, terms could be made convertible thanks to commutative cuts, such as (let (a,b) := x in t) u == let (a,b) := x in (t u)
In presence of predicate parameters (i.e. indices), commutative cuts may get quite involved. Consider the following example in context H : x = y
match H in _ = z return P(z) -> Q(z) with
eq_refl => fun H:P(x) => H'
end (t : P(y))
The naive commutation
match H in _ = z return P(z) -> Q(z) with
eq_refl => (fun H:P(x) => H') t
is ill-typed but one can use the following commutation:
match H in _ = z return P(z) -> Q(z) with
eq_refl => (fun H:P(x) => H') (match sym_eq H in _ = z return P(z) with eq_refl => t)
In presence of truly dependent pattern-matching, commutation is apparently possible only if the surrounding context is uniformly dependent on the term matched. Consider e.g.
match b as b' return P b b' -> Q b b' with
| true => a (* of type P b true -> Q b true *)
| false => b (* of type P b false-> Q b false *)
end t (* of type P b b)
we need to cast t
into a term of type P b true
, but how can we ensure it is possible?
Finally, traversing the fixpoints is complicated. In case of tail-recursive fixpoints, the context can directly be moved to the base case of the recursive defintion but in the general case, this seems impossible.
Supports turning transparent a definition/proof initially declared opaque. This could e.g. be a command Reveal cst
which definitively turns cst
transparent (seen as an admissible rule of the CIC). (Note: Abhishek Anand started to work on a plugin which allows to replicate an existing opaque constant as a transparent one.)
E.g. support links on definition permutation
(* This is a variant of [Coq.List.List.permutation] *)
Build up global alphabetical index of all values kind by kind (Module, Lemma, Axiom, ...)
Follow directories hierarchy : In large formalisation and in the standard library for example. Also build (module for example) index file by file and directory by directory.
with this wiki features and :
- LaTeX : See the link with coq-tex
- dot : graph with Lemma's name as verticle and an edge if one is used by the other. Maybe at least avoid induction principle.
Have a look to dpdgraph-0.2