UnfoldFixpointOnce - coq/coq GitHub Wiki
This tactic unfolds a fixpoint once. See evar_match for a more basic example of tactic written in OCaml, and instructions on how to compile it.
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
(*i camlp4use: "pa_extend.cmo" i*)
open Pp
open Term
open Refiner
open Tacexpr
open Util
let fail () = tclFAIL 0 (str "not an expected form")
(** Run tactic [k] with constr [x] as argument. *)
let run_cont k x =
let k = TacDynamic(dummy_loc, Tacinterp.tactic_in (fun _ -> k)) in
let x = TacDynamic(dummy_loc, Pretyping.constr_in x) in
let tac = <:tactic<let cont := $k in cont $x>> in
Tacinterp.interp tac
(** If [f] is a reference to fixpoint, return the index of its
decreasing argument and its body, where the recursive call is a
reference to the fixpoint. *)
let unfold_fixpoint_once env f =
begin match kind_of_term f with
| Const c ->
let decl = Environ.lookup_constant c env in
begin match Declarations.body_of_constant decl with
| Some b ->
begin match kind_of_term (Declarations.force b) with
| Fix ((is, i), (ns, ts, bs)) ->
Some (is.(i), subst1 f bs.(i))
| _ -> None
| None -> None
| _ -> None
let rec apply_and_beta_reduce f = function
| [] -> f
| x::xs as ys ->
begin match kind_of_term f with
| Lambda (_, _, b) -> apply_and_beta_reduce (subst1 x b) xs
| _ -> mkApp (f, (Array.of_list ys))
TACTIC EXTEND simpl_pottier
| [ "simpl_pottier" constr(x) tactic(k) ] ->
let env = Global.env () in
begin match kind_of_term x with
| App (f, args) ->
begin match unfold_fixpoint_once env f with
| Some (i, b) ->
if i < Array.length args then
(* check that the decreasing argument is in constructor form *)
begin match kind_of_term args.(i) with
| App (cc, _) when isConstruct cc ->
run_cont k (apply_and_beta_reduce b (Array.to_list args))
| _ -> fail ()
else fail ()
| None -> fail ()
| _ -> fail ()
This plugin provides a simpl_pottier
tactic that takes two arguments: a Coq term t
(constr) and a continuation tactic k
, checks that t
is an applied fixpoint whose decreasing argument starts with a constructor, and calls k
with the result of unfolding the fixpoint once. Example of use, assuming the plugin is named simpl_pottier.{cma,cmxs} (it answers this post):
Declare ML Module "simpl_pottier".
Ltac simpl_left :=
match goal with
| |- ?a = ?b => simpl_pottier a (fun x => change (x = b))
Goal forall n m, S n + m = S (n + m).
simpl_left. (* look here *)
Tested with Coq v8.4 r15016 (2012-03-02) and trunk r15022 (2012-03-02).