ListComprehensionNotation - coq/coq GitHub Wiki

Notation for List Comprehension

We want to define a notation for Haskell-like list comprehension using Notation, ie we want to denote

[ b | b <- l , P(b) ]

in Coq.

Assuming we have a variable list_comprehension that has the following type:

Variable list_comprehension: forall A : Set, list A -> forall P : A -> Prop, is_decidable A P -> list A.
Implicit Arguments list_comprehension [A].


Definition is_decidable (A:Set) (P:A->Prop) := forall a, {P a} + {~(P a)}.

we can declare the following notation.

Notation "[ e | b <- l , Hp ]" := (map (fun b:_=> e) (list_comprehension l (fun b:_=>_ ) Hp))  (at level 1).

Now, for example, if

Hypothesis  Zlt_decide:forall a, is_decidable Z (fun x=>x<a).

we can use the above notation to define the Haskell list [ y | y<-l , y<pivot] where l:list Z and pivot:Z:

Definition elt_lt_x l pivot:= [ y | y <- l , (Zlt_decide pivot) ].