Inductive and Co Inductive Types - coq/coq GitHub Wiki
(Part of the Coq FAQ)
You can use the discriminate
Coq < Inductive toto : Set := | C1 : toto | C2 : toto.
Coq < Goal C1 <> C2.
1 subgoal
C1 <> C2
Unnamed_thm < discriminate.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Use the inversion
Have a look at decide equality
and discriminate
in the Reference Manual.
Because +
a.k.a. Nat.add
now) on natural numbers is defined by analysis on its first argument:
Coq < Print Nat.add.
Nat.add =
fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => m
| S p => S (add p m)
: nat -> nat -> nat
so the expression 0 + n
evaluates to n
. As Coq reasons modulo evaluation of expressions, 0 + n
and n
considered equal and the theorem 0 + n = n
is an instance of the reflexivity of equality. On the other side,
n + 0
does not evaluate to n
and a proof by induction on n
is necessary to trigger the evaluation of +
Simply because most of the time it is not needed. To derive a dependent elimination principle in Prop
, use the command Scheme
and apply the elimination scheme using the using
option of elim
, destruct
, or induction
The short answer: n <= p
is a logical statement, you should rather
use boolean tests such as n <=? p
instead (notation for Nat.leb
or decidability functions such as le_lt_dec n p
The long answer: That’s right, you can’t. If you type for instance the following "definition":
Coq < Fail Definition max (n p : nat) := if n <= p then p else n.
The command has indeed failed with message:
The term "n <= p" has type "Prop" which is not a (co-)inductive type.
As Coq says, the term n <= p
is a proposition, i.e. a statement that belongs to the mathematical world. There are many ways to prove such a proposition, either by some computation, or using some already proven theorems. For instance, proving 3 − 2 ≤ 245503 is very easy, using some theorems on arithmetical operations. If you compute both numbers before comparing them, you risk using a lot of time and space.
On the contrary, a function for computing the greatest of two natural numbers is an algorithm which, called on two natural numbers n
and p
, determines whether n ≤ p
or p < n
. Such a function is a decision procedure for the inequality of nat
. The possibility of writing such a procedure comes directly from decidability of the order ≤
on natural numbers.
When you write a piece of code like if n <= p then ... else ...
in a programming language like ML or Java, a call to such a decision procedure is generated. The decision procedure is in general a primitive function, written in a low-level language, in the correctness of which you have to trust.
The Coq standard library contains a (constructive) proof of decidability of the order ≤
on nat
: the function le_lt_dec
of the module Compare_dec
of library Arith
The following code shows how to define correctly min
and max
, and prove some properties of these functions.
Coq < Require Import Compare_dec.
Coq < Definition max (n p : nat) := if le_lt_dec n p then p else n.
max is defined
Coq < Definition min (n p : nat) := if le_lt_dec n p then n else p.
min is defined
Coq < Eval compute in (min 4 7).
= 4
: nat
Coq < Theorem min_plus_max : forall n p, min n p + max n p = n + p.
1 subgoal
forall n p : nat, min n p + max n p = n + p
min_plus_max < Proof.
intros n p;
unfold min, max;
case (le_lt_dec n p);
simpl; auto with arith.
No more subgoals.
min_plus_max < Qed.
min_plus_max is defined
Coq < Theorem max_equiv : forall n p, max n p = p <-> n <= p.
1 subgoal
forall n p : nat, max n p = p <-> n <= p
max_equiv < Proof.
unfold max; intros n p;
case (le_lt_dec n p);simpl; auto.
2 subgoals
n : nat
p : nat
n <= p -> (p = p <-> n <= p)
subgoal 2 is:
p < n -> (n = p <-> n <= p)
max_equiv < intuition auto with arith.
1 subgoal
n : nat
p : nat
p < n -> (n = p <-> n <= p)
max_equiv < split.
2 subgoals
n : nat
p : nat
l : p < n
n = p -> n <= p
subgoal 2 is:
n <= p -> n = p
max_equiv < intro e; rewrite e; auto with arith.
1 subgoal
n : nat
p : nat
l : p < n
n <= p -> n = p
max_equiv < intro H; absurd (p < p); eauto with arith.
No more subgoals.
max_equiv < Qed.
max_equiv is defined
I wrote my own decision procedure for ≤
, which is much faster than yours, but proving theorems such as max_equiv
seems to be quite difficult.
Your code is probably the following:
Coq < Fixpoint my_le_lt_dec (n p :nat) {struct n}: bool :=
match n, p with 0, _ => true
| S n', S p' => my_le_lt_dec n' p'
| _ , _ => false
my_le_lt_dec is defined
my_le_lt_dec is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
Coq < Definition my_max (n p:nat) := if my_le_lt_dec n p then p else n.
my_max is defined
Coq < Definition my_min (n p:nat) := if my_le_lt_dec n p then n else p.
my_min is defined
For instance, the computation of my_max 567 321
is almost immediate, whereas one can't wait for the result of max 56 32
, using Coq's le_lt_dec
This is normal. Your definition is a simple recursive function which returns a boolean value. Coq's le_lt_dec
is a certified function, i.e. a complex object, able not only to tell whether n ≤ p
or p < n
, but also of building a complete proof of the correct inequality. What makes le_lt_dec
inefficient while computing the min and max is the building of a huge proof term.
Nevertheless, le_lt_dec
is very useful. Its type is a strong specification, using the sumbool
type (look at the reference manual or chapter 9 of [1]). Eliminations of the form case (le_lt_dec n p)
provide proofs of either n ≤ p
or p < n
, allowing easy proofs of some theorems as above. Unfortunately, this not the case of your my_le_lt_dec
, which returns a quite non-informative boolean value.
Coq < Check le_lt_dec.
: forall n m : nat, {n <= m} + {m < n}
You should keep in mind that le_lt_dec
is useful for building certified programs which need to compare natural numbers, and is not designed to compare quickly two numbers.
Nevertheless, the extraction of le_lt_dec
towards Ocaml or Haskell, is a reasonable program for comparing two natural numbers in Peano form in linear time.
It is also possible to keep your boolean function as a decision procedure, but you have to establish yourself the relationship between my_le_lt_dec
and the propositions n ≤ p
and p < n
Coq < Theorem my_le_lt_dec_true :
forall n p, my_le_lt_dec n p = true <-> n <= p.
Coq < Theorem my_le_lt_dec_false :
forall n p, my_le_lt_dec n p = false <-> p < n.
Because otherwise the decidability of the type-checking algorithm (which involves evaluation of programs) could not be guaranteed. Additionally, if non-terminating proofs were allowed, we could get a proof of False
Coq < (* This is fortunately not allowed! *)
Fixpoint InfiniteProof (n:nat) : False := InfiniteProof n.
Coq < Theorem Paradox : False.
Coq < Proof (InfiniteProof O).
The structural order on inductive types is a simple and powerful notion of termination. The consistency of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions relies on it and another consistency proof would have to be made for stronger termination arguments (such as the termination of the evaluation of CIC programs themselves!).
In spite of this, all non-pathological termination orders can be mapped to a structural order. Tools to do this are provided in the file Wf.v of the standard library of Coq.
The procedure is as follows (we consider the definition of mergesort
as an example).
- Define the termination order, say
on the typeA
of the arguments of the loop.
Coq < Definition R (a b:list nat) := length a < length b.
- Prove that this order is well-founded (in fact that all elements in
are accessible alongR
Coq < Lemma Rwf : well_founded R.
- Define the step function (which needs proofs that recursive calls are on smaller arguments).
Coq < Definition split (l : list nat)
: {l1: list nat | R l1 l} * {l2 : list nat | R l2 l}
:= (* ... *) .
Coq < Definition concat (l1 l2 : list nat) : list nat := (* ... *) .
Coq < Definition merge_step (l : list nat) (f: forall l':list nat, R l' l -> list nat) :=
let (lH1,lH2) := (split l) in
let (l1,H1) := lH1 in
let (l2,H2) := lH2 in
concat (f l1 H1) (f l2 H2).
- Define the recursive function by fixpoint on the step function.
Coq < Definition merge := Fix Rwf (fun _ => list nat) merge_step.
Well-foundedness of some relation R
on some type A
is defined as the accessibility of all elements of A
along R
Coq < Print well_founded.
well_founded =
fun (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) => forall a : A, Acc R a
: forall A : Type, (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop
Argument A is implicit
Argument scopes are [type_scope function_scope]
Coq < Print Acc.
Inductive Acc (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : Prop :=
Acc_intro : (forall y : A, R y x -> Acc R y) -> Acc R x
For Acc: Argument A is implicit
For Acc_intro: Arguments A, R are implicit
For Acc: Argument scopes are [type_scope function_scope _]
For Acc_intro: Argument scopes are [type_scope function_scope _
The structure of the accessibility predicate is a well-founded tree branching at each node x
in A
along all the nodes x'
less than x
along R
. Any sequence of elements of A
decreasing along the order R
are branches in the accessibility tree. Hence any decreasing along R
is mapped into a structural decreasing in the accessibility tree of R
. This is emphasised in the definition of fix
which recurs not on its argument x:A
but on the accessibility of this argument along R
See file Wf.v.
In general a (simultaneous) double induction is simply solved by an induction on the first hypothesis followed by an inversion over the second hypothesis. Here is an example:
Coq < Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
| even_O : even 0
| even_S : forall n:nat, even n -> even (S (S n)).
even is defined
even_ind is defined
Coq < Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
| odd_SO : odd 1
| odd_S : forall n:nat, odd n -> odd (S (S n)).
odd is defined
odd_ind is defined
Coq < Lemma not_even_and_odd : forall n:nat, even n -> odd n -> False.
1 subgoal
forall n : nat, even n -> odd n -> False
not_even_and_odd < induction 1.
2 subgoals
odd 0 -> False
subgoal 2 is:
odd (S (S n)) -> False
not_even_and_odd < inversion 1.
1 subgoal
n : nat
H : even n
IHeven : odd n -> False
odd (S (S n)) -> False
not_even_and_odd < inversion 1. apply IHeven; trivial.
1 subgoal
n : nat
H : even n
IHeven : odd n -> False
H0 : odd (S (S n))
n0 : nat
H2 : odd n
H1 : n0 = n
No more subgoals.
not_even_and_odd > Qed.
not_even_and_odd is defined
In case the type of the second induction hypothesis is not dependent, inversion
can just be replaced by destruct
The same trick applies, you can even use the pattern-matching compilation algorithm to do the work for you. Here is an example:
Coq < Fixpoint minus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n, m with
| O, _ => 0
| S k, O => S k
| S k, S l => minus k l
minus is defined
minus is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
Coq < Print minus.
minus =
fix minus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| S k => match m with
| 0 => S k
| S l => minus k l
: nat -> nat -> nat
Argument scopes are [nat_scope nat_scope]
In case of dependencies in the type of the induction objects t1 and t2, an extra argument stating t1 = t2 must be given to the fixpoint definition.
To reason by nested (i.e. lexicographic) induction, just reason by induction on the successive components.
Double induction (or induction on pairs) is a restriction of the lexicographic induction. Here is an example of double induction.
Coq < Lemma nat_double_ind :
forall P : nat -> nat -> Prop, P 0 0 ->
(forall m n, P m n -> P m (S n)) ->
(forall m n, P m n -> P (S m) n) ->
forall m n, P m n.
1 subgoal
forall P : nat -> nat -> Prop,
P 0 0 ->
(forall m n : nat, P m n -> P m (S n)) ->
(forall m n : nat, P m n -> P (S m) n) -> forall m n : nat, P m n
nat_double_ind < intros P H00 HmS HSn; induction m.
2 subgoals
P : nat -> nat -> Prop
H00 : P 0 0
HmS : forall m n : nat, P m n -> P m (S n)
HSn : forall m n : nat, P m n -> P (S m) n
forall n : nat, P 0 n
subgoal 2 is:
forall n : nat, P (S m) n
nat_double_ind < (* case 0 *)
induction n; [assumption | apply HmS; apply IHn].
1 subgoal
P : nat -> nat -> Prop
H00 : P 0 0
HmS : forall m n : nat, P m n -> P m (S n)
HSn : forall m n : nat, P m n -> P (S m) n
m : nat
IHm : forall n : nat, P m n
forall n : nat, P (S m) n
nat_double_ind < (* case Sm *)
intro n; apply HSn; apply IHm.
No more subgoals.
nat_double_ind < Qed.
nat_double_ind is defined
The same trick applies. Here is the Ackermann function as an example:
Coq < Fixpoint ack (n:nat) : nat -> nat :=
match n with
| O => S
| S n' =>
(fix ack' (m:nat) : nat :=
match m with
| O => ack n' 1
| S m' => ack n' (ack' m')
ack is defined
ack is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
I have a cofixpoint t := F(t)
and I want to prove t = F(t)
. How to do it?
Just case-expand F(t)
then complete by a trivial case analysis. Here is what it gives on e.g. the type of
streams on naturals:
Coq < CoInductive Stream (A:Set) : Set :=
Cons : A -> Stream A -> Stream A.
Stream is defined
Coq < CoFixpoint nats (n:nat) : Stream nat := Cons n (nats (S n)).
nats is defined
nats is corecursively defined
Coq < Lemma Stream_unfold :
forall n:nat, nats n = Cons n (nats (S n)).
1 subgoal
forall n : nat, nats n = Cons n (nats (S n))
Stream_unfold < Proof. intro;
change (nats n = match nats n with
| Cons x s => Cons x s
1 subgoal
n : nat
nats n = match nats n with
| Cons x s => Cons x s
Stream_unfold < case (nats n); reflexivity.
No more subgoals.
Stream_unfold < Qed.
Stream_unfold is defined
[1] Yves bertot and Pierre Castéran. Coq'Art. Springer-Verlag, 2004. To appear.