ArithmeticExpressionParser - coq/coq GitHub Wiki

This implements a certified parser on a simple grammar of arithmetic expressions. It assumes the input has already been tokenized.

Require Import Program.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Inductive token : Set :=
| NUM (n:Z)
(* The target grammar, formalized below, is informally:
expr <- summand => $1
      | expr PLUS summand => $1 + $3
      | expr MINUS summand => $1 - $3
summand <- factor => $1
         | summand TIMES factor => $1 * $3
factor <- NUM => $1
        | PLUS factor => $2
        | MINUS factor => - $2
        | OPEN_PAREN expr CLOSE_PAREN => $2
Inductive expr_value : list token -> Z -> Prop :=
| expr_rule_1 : forall (l1 : list token) (val1 : Z),
  summand_value l1 val1 -> expr_value l1 val1
| expr_rule_2 : forall (l1 : list token) (val1 : Z)
  (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  expr_value l1 val1 -> summand_value l3 val3 ->
  expr_value (l1 ++ PLUS :: l3) (val1 + val3)
| expr_rule_3 : forall (l1 : list token) (val1 : Z)
  (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  expr_value l1 val1 -> summand_value l3 val3 ->
  expr_value (l1 ++ MINUS :: l3) (val1 - val3)
summand_value : list token -> Z -> Prop :=
| summand_rule_1 : forall (l1 : list token) (val1 : Z),
  factor_value l1 val1 -> summand_value l1 val1
| summand_rule_2 : forall (l1 : list token) (val1 : Z)
  (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  summand_value l1 val1 -> factor_value l3 val3 ->
  summand_value (l1 ++ TIMES :: l3) (val1 * val3)
factor_value : list token -> Z -> Prop :=
| factor_rule_1 : forall (n : Z),
  factor_value [NUM n] n
| factor_rule_2 : forall (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z),
  factor_value l2 val2 -> factor_value (PLUS :: l2) val2
| factor_rule_3 : forall (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z),
  factor_value l2 val2 -> factor_value (MINUS :: l2) (- val2)
| factor_rule_4 : forall (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z),
  expr_value l2 val2 -> factor_value (OPEN_PAREN :: l2 ++ [CLOSE_PAREN]) val2.
Lemma expr_nonempty : forall (l : list token) (n : Z), expr_value l n ->
  length l > 0 with
summand_nonempty : forall (l : list token) (n : Z), summand_value l n ->
  length l > 0 with
factor_nonempty : forall (l : list token) (n : Z), factor_value l n ->
  length l > 0.
destruct 1; (repeat rewrite app_length; simpl; omega) || eauto.
destruct 1; (repeat rewrite app_length; simpl; omega) || eauto.
destruct 1; (repeat rewrite app_length; simpl; omega) || eauto.
(* A few trivial results to recognize a string expression involving l
   as being equal to ? ++ l. *)
Lemma app_nil_start : forall l : list token, l = nil ++ l.
Lemma app_cons_start : forall (t : token) (l' hd l : list token),
  l' = hd ++ l -> t :: l' = (t :: hd) ++ l.
rewrite H.
Lemma app_app_start : forall (hd1 hd2 l l' : list token),
  l' = hd2 ++ l -> hd1 ++ l' = (hd1 ++ hd2) ++ l.
rewrite H.
apply app_assoc.
Local Ltac recog_tail :=
  eauto using app_nil_start, app_cons_start, app_app_start.
Inductive parse_ret (l : list token) (cond : list token -> Z -> Prop) : Set :=
| parse_success : forall (tl : list token) (n : Z),
  (exists hd : list token, l = hd ++ tl /\ cond hd n) ->
  parse_ret l cond
| parse_failure : parse_ret l cond.
Definition expr_sub_value (n : Z) : list token -> Z -> Prop :=
fun l m => forall (n_str : list token), expr_value n_str n ->
  expr_value (n_str ++ l) m.
(* Reduction rules for the fake "expr_sub n" symbol:
  expr_sub n <- empty => n
              | PLUS summand (expr_sub (n+$2)) => $3
              | MINUS summand (expr_sub (n-$2)) => $3 *)
Lemma expr_sub_rule1 : forall n : Z,
  expr_sub_value n nil n.
intros n ? ?; rewrite <- app_nil_end; trivial.
Lemma expr_sub_rule2 : forall (n : Z)
  (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z) (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  summand_value l2 val2 ->
  expr_sub_value (n + val2) l3 val3 ->
  expr_sub_value n (PLUS :: l2 ++ l3) val3.
intros ? ?.
evar (hd : list token); match goal with |- expr_value ?l _ =>
            replace l with (hd ++ l3) by (symmetry; recog_tail); subst hd
eauto using expr_value.
Lemma expr_sub_rule3 : forall (n : Z)
  (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z) (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  summand_value l2 val2 ->
  expr_sub_value (n - val2) l3 val3 ->
  expr_sub_value n (MINUS :: l2 ++ l3) val3.
intros ? ?.
evar (hd : list token); match goal with |- expr_value ?l _ =>
            replace l with (hd ++ l3) by (symmetry; recog_tail); subst hd
eauto using expr_value.
Definition summand_sub_value (n : Z) : list token -> Z -> Prop :=
fun l m => forall (n_str : list token),
  summand_value n_str n -> summand_value (n_str ++ l) m.
(* Reduction rules for the fake "summand_sub n" symbol:
  summand_sub n <- empty => n
                 | TIMES factor (summand_sub (n*$2)) => $3 *)
Lemma summand_sub_rule1 : forall n : Z,
  summand_sub_value n nil n.
intros; intros ? ?; rewrite <- app_nil_end; trivial.
Lemma summand_sub_rule2 : forall (n : Z)
  (l2 : list token) (val2 : Z) (l3 : list token) (val3 : Z),
  factor_value l2 val2 ->
  summand_sub_value (n * val2) l3 val3 ->
  summand_sub_value n (TIMES :: l2 ++ l3) val3.
intros ? ?.
evar (hd : list token); match goal with |- summand_value ?l _ =>
            replace l with (hd ++ l3) by (symmetry; recog_tail); subst hd
eauto using summand_value.
(* Notations to allow us to act as if our parser functions were
   instances of StateT (list token) Maybe Z -- which they are if one
   ignores the proof content. *)
(* First, a couple utility functions which are literally instances of
   StateT (list token) Maybe (option token), and
   StateT (list token) Maybe token, respectively. *)
(* Peek at the next token, without removing it from the parser stream;
   if at end of stream, return None, but don't signal an error *)
Definition peek_token (l : list token) : option (list token * option token) :=
match l with
| nil => Some (l, None)
| t :: _ => Some (l, Some t)
(* Get the next token and remove it from the parser stream;
   if at end of stream, signal an error *)
Definition get_token (l : list token) : option (list token * token) :=
match l with
| nil => None
| t :: l' => Some (l', t)
(* Our actual intermediate terms that we build as part of the notation
   will be of this form: *)
Definition parse_monad_type (P : list token -> list token -> Prop)
  (cond : list token -> Z -> Prop) : Set :=
  forall l l0, P l l0 -> parse_ret l0 cond.
(* Here, l0 represents the "initial state", needed to specify the
   return type, and l represents the "current state".
   P will represent enough "context" from the monad invocations
   so far to continue.  For example, in the first return_ statement
   in parse_expr_sub below, P might look like:
   fun l l0 =>
   exists hd, expr_sub_value (n + m) hd result /\
   exists hd0, summand_value hd0 m /\
   exists l', get_token l' = Some (hd0 ++ hd ++ l, Anonymous) /\
   exists l'', peek_token l'' = Some (l', t) /\
   l'' = l0.
   For the outer structure, we will build an instance of
   parse_monad_type eq cond, and then pass arguments
   l l eq_refl *)
Program Definition parse_monad_bind {X P cond}
  (x : list token -> option (list token * X))
  (g : forall x0:X, parse_monad_type
                   (fun l l0 => exists l', x l' = Some (l, x0) /\
                                P l' l0)
                   cond) :
  parse_monad_type P cond :=
fun l l0 H =>
match x l as o return (x l = o -> _) with
| Some (l', x0) => fun _ => g x0 l' l0 _
| None => fun _ => parse_failure _ _
end eq_refl.
Next Obligation.
eexists; split; [ reflexivity | eassumption ].
Program Definition parse_monad_bind_rec {P sz sz' cond cond'}
  (subparse : forall (l : list token), sz' l < sz ->
                parse_ret l cond')
  (g : forall n:Z, parse_monad_type
                   (fun l l0 => exists hd, cond' hd n /\ P (hd ++ l) l0)
                   cond) :
  (forall l l0:list token, P l l0 -> sz' l < sz) ->
  parse_monad_type P cond :=
fun Hlt l l0 H =>
match subparse l _ return _ with
| parse_success tl n _ => g n tl l0 _
| parse_failure => parse_failure _ _
Next Obligation.
eexists; split; eassumption.
Notation "'do' x0 <- x ; y" :=
  (parse_monad_bind x (fun x0 => y))
(at level 70, right associativity, x0 ident).
Notation "'do_rec' n <- x ; y" :=
  (parse_monad_bind_rec x (fun n => y) _)
(at level 70, right associativity, x0 ident).
Notation "'return_' n" := (fun l l0 _ => parse_success _ _ l n _)
(at level 71).
Notation "'error'" := (fun l l0 _ => parse_failure _ _)
(at level 71).
(* Notation "'subparser' p Hacc" :=
  (fun l Hlt => p l (Acc_inv Hacc Hlt)) (at level 90). *)
Definition subparser {P sz} (p : forall l, Acc lt (sz l) -> P l)
  {n} (Hacc : Acc lt n) :=
  fun (l:list token) (Hlt : sz l < n) => p l (Acc_inv Hacc Hlt).
Definition parse_expr_sz (l : list token) := 5 * length l + 4.
Definition parse_expr_sub_sz (l : list token) := 5 * length l + 3.
Definition parse_summand_sz (l : list token) := 5 * length l + 2.
Definition parse_summand_sub_sz (l : list token) := 5 * length l + 1.
Definition parse_factor_sz (l : list token) := 5 * length l.
Program Definition run_with_initial_state (l : list token) {cond}
  (m : parse_monad_type (fun l0 l1 => l0 = l /\ l1 = l) cond) :
  parse_ret l cond :=
m l l _.
Obligation Tactic := program_simpl; simpl; simpl in *;
  eauto using expr_value, summand_value, factor_value;
  try (repeat split; discriminate);
  repeat match goal with
  | H : ?f ?l = _ |- _ =>
    match f with
    | peek_token => idtac
    | get_token => idtac
    | _ => fail
    (is_var l; destruct l; (discriminate H || (injection H; intros; subst));
     clear H) ||
    (simpl f in H; injection H; intros; subst; clear H)
  try (unfold parse_expr_sz, parse_expr_sub_sz, parse_summand_sz,
              parse_summand_sub_sz, parse_factor_sz;
       simpl length; repeat rewrite app_length;
       repeat match goal with
       H : _ |- _ => apply expr_nonempty in H ||
                  apply summand_nonempty in H ||
                  apply factor_nonempty in H
       end; omega);
  try (eexists; split; [ recog_tail |
                         eauto using expr_value, summand_value, factor_value,
                         expr_sub_rule1, expr_sub_rule2, expr_sub_rule3,
                         summand_sub_rule1, summand_sub_rule2 ]).
Program Definition parse_expr_builder (l : list token)
  (parse_summand : forall l', parse_summand_sz l' < parse_expr_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' summand_value)
  (parse_expr_sub : forall n l', parse_expr_sub_sz l' < parse_expr_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' (expr_sub_value n)) :
  parse_ret l expr_value :=
run_with_initial_state l (
do_rec n <- parse_summand;
do_rec m <- parse_expr_sub n;
return_ m
Program Definition parse_expr_sub_builder (n : Z) (l : list token)
  (parse_summand : forall l', parse_summand_sz l' < parse_expr_sub_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' summand_value)
  (parse_expr_sub : forall n l', parse_expr_sub_sz l' < parse_expr_sub_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' (expr_sub_value n)) :
  parse_ret l (expr_sub_value n) :=
run_with_initial_state l (
do t <- peek_token;
match t with
| Some PLUS => do _ <- get_token;
               do_rec m <- parse_summand;
               do_rec result <- parse_expr_sub (n + m)%Z;
               return_ result
| Some MINUS => do _ <- get_token;
                do_rec m <- parse_summand;
                do_rec result <- parse_expr_sub (n - m)%Z;
                return_ result
| _ => return_ n
Program Definition parse_summand_builder (l : list token)
  (parse_summand_sub : forall n l',
     parse_summand_sub_sz l' < parse_summand_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' (summand_sub_value n))
  (parse_factor : forall l',
     parse_factor_sz l' < parse_summand_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' factor_value) :
  parse_ret l summand_value :=
run_with_initial_state l (
do_rec n <- parse_factor;
do_rec m <- parse_summand_sub n;
return_ m
Program Definition parse_summand_sub_builder (n : Z) (l : list token)
  (parse_summand_sub : forall n l',
     parse_summand_sub_sz l' < parse_summand_sub_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' (summand_sub_value n))
  (parse_factor : forall l',
     parse_factor_sz l' < parse_summand_sub_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' factor_value) :
  parse_ret l (summand_sub_value n) :=
run_with_initial_state l (
do t <- peek_token;
match t with
| Some TIMES => do _ <- get_token;
                do_rec m <- parse_factor;
                do_rec result <- parse_summand_sub (n * m)%Z;
                return_ result
| _ => return_ n
Program Definition parse_factor_builder (l : list token)
  (parse_expr : forall l',
     parse_expr_sz l' < parse_factor_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' expr_value)
  (parse_factor : forall l',
     parse_factor_sz l' < parse_factor_sz l ->
     parse_ret l' factor_value) :
  parse_ret l factor_value :=
run_with_initial_state l (
do t <- get_token;
match t with
| NUM n => return_ n
| PLUS => do_rec n <- parse_factor;
          return_ n
| MINUS => do_rec n <- parse_factor;
           return_ (-n)
| OPEN_PAREN => do_rec n <- parse_expr;
                do t <- get_token;
                match t with
                | CLOSE_PAREN => return_ n
                | _ => error
| _ => error
parse_expr (l : list token) (H : Acc lt (parse_expr_sz l)) {struct H} :
  parse_ret l expr_value :=
parse_expr_builder l
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_summand l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
  (fun n l' Hlt => parse_expr_sub n l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
parse_expr_sub (n : Z) (l : list token) (H : Acc lt (parse_expr_sub_sz l))
  {struct H} : parse_ret l (expr_sub_value n) :=
parse_expr_sub_builder n l
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_summand l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
  (fun n l' Hlt => parse_expr_sub n l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
parse_summand (l : list token) (H : Acc lt (parse_summand_sz l)) {struct H} :
  parse_ret l summand_value :=
parse_summand_builder l
  (fun n l' Hlt => parse_summand_sub n l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_factor l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
parse_summand_sub (n : Z) (l : list token) (H : Acc lt (parse_summand_sub_sz l))
  {struct H} : parse_ret l (summand_sub_value n) :=
parse_summand_sub_builder n l
  (fun n l' Hlt => parse_summand_sub n l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_factor l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
parse_factor (l : list token) (H : Acc lt (parse_factor_sz l)) {struct H} :
  parse_ret l factor_value :=
parse_factor_builder l
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_expr l' (Acc_inv H Hlt))
  (fun l' Hlt => parse_factor l' (Acc_inv H Hlt)).
Obligation Tactic := program_simpl.
Definition parse_ret_data {l cond} (ret : parse_ret l cond) :
  option (list token * Z) :=
match ret with
| parse_success l' n _ => Some (l', n)
| parse_failure => None
Inductive starts_with {A:Type} : list A -> A -> Prop :=
| starts_with_intro :
  forall (tl : list A) (hd : A), starts_with (hd :: tl) hd.
Definition parse_expr_completeness_stmt hd n :=
  forall tl, ~ starts_with tl TIMES -> forall H, exists H',
  parse_ret_data (parse_expr (hd ++ tl) H) =
  parse_ret_data (parse_expr_sub n tl H').
Definition parse_summand_completeness_stmt hd n :=
  forall tl, forall H, exists H',
  parse_ret_data (parse_summand (hd ++ tl) H) =
  parse_ret_data (parse_summand_sub n tl H').
Definition parse_factor_completeness_stmt hd n :=
  forall tl, forall H,
  parse_ret_data (parse_factor (hd ++ tl) H) = Some (tl, n).
Lemma parse_expr_completeness' {hd n} :
  parse_expr_completeness_stmt hd n ->
  forall tl, ~ starts_with tl PLUS -> ~ starts_with tl MINUS ->
  ~ starts_with tl TIMES -> forall H,
  parse_ret_data (parse_expr (hd ++ tl) H) = Some (tl, n).
destruct (H tl H2 H3) as [H' e]; rewrite e.
destruct H'; simpl parse_expr_sub.
destruct tl; simpl.
destruct t; (match goal with
             | Hs : ~ starts_with (?t :: _) ?t |- _ =>
               contradict Hs; constructor
             end || reflexivity).
Lemma parse_summand_completeness' {hd n} :
  parse_summand_completeness_stmt hd n ->
  forall tl, ~ starts_with tl TIMES -> forall H,
  parse_ret_data (parse_summand (hd ++ tl) H) = Some (tl, n).
destruct (H tl H1) as [H' e]; rewrite e.
destruct H'; simpl parse_summand_sub.
destruct tl; simpl.
destruct t; (match goal with
             | Hs : ~ starts_with (?t :: _) ?t |- _ =>
               contradict Hs; constructor
             end || reflexivity).
Lemma parse_expr_completeness : forall hd n, expr_value hd n ->
  parse_expr_completeness_stmt hd n
parse_summand_completeness : forall hd n, summand_value hd n ->
  parse_summand_completeness_stmt hd n
parse_factor_completeness : forall hd n, factor_value hd n ->
  parse_factor_completeness_stmt hd n.
Local Ltac inst_sub_cases parse_expr_completeness
  parse_summand_completeness parse_factor_completeness :=
destruct 1; repeat match goal with
| e : expr_value ?hd ?n |- _ =>
  progress match goal with
  | _ : parse_expr_completeness_stmt hd n |- _ => idtac
  | |- _ => let H := fresh in pose proof
         (parse_expr_completeness _ _ e) as H;
         pose proof (parse_expr_completeness' H)
| s : summand_value ?hd ?n |- _ =>
  progress match goal with
  | _ : parse_summand_completeness_stmt hd n |- _ => idtac
  | |- _ => let H := fresh in pose proof
         (parse_summand_completeness _ _ s) as H;
         pose proof (parse_summand_completeness' H)
| f : factor_value ?hd ?n |- _ =>
  progress match goal with
  | _ : parse_factor_completeness_stmt hd n |- _ => idtac
  | |- _ => pose proof (parse_factor_completeness _ _ f)
end; clear parse_expr_completeness parse_summand_completeness
3: inst_sub_cases parse_expr_completeness parse_summand_completeness
2: inst_sub_cases parse_expr_completeness parse_summand_completeness
inst_sub_cases parse_expr_completeness parse_summand_completeness
Local Ltac subcase_intros :=
intro tl; repeat (simpl app; rewrite <- app_assoc; simpl app); intros.
Local Ltac expand_parser :=
match goal with
| H : Acc _ _ |- _ => destruct H; simpl
unfold parse_expr_builder, parse_expr_sub_builder,
  parse_summand_builder, parse_summand_sub_builder, parse_factor_builder,
  run_with_initial_state, parse_monad_bind_rec, parse_monad_bind; simpl.
Local Ltac red_expr_completeness :=
match goal with
| H : parse_expr_completeness_stmt ?l ?val |-
  appcontext [parse_expr (?l ++ ?tl) ?Hacc] =>
  let H0 := fresh in
  assert (~ starts_with tl TIMES) as H0 by (red; inversion 1);
  destruct (H _ H0 Hacc) as [? e]; rewrite e
Local Ltac red_parse_expr :=
match goal with
| |- appcontext [parse_expr (?l ++ ?tl) ?H] =>
   let a := fresh "a" in generalize H as a; intro a;
   remember (parse_expr (l ++ tl) a) as pe_val;
   try (match goal with
               | H0 : forall tl, ~ starts_with tl PLUS ->
                    ~ starts_with tl MINUS -> ~ starts_with tl TIMES ->
                 forall H, parse_ret_data (parse_expr (l ++ tl) H) =
                   Some (tl, ?val),
                 Heq : pe_val = _ |- _ =>
                 let Hplus := fresh in
                 assert (~ starts_with tl PLUS) as Hplus by
                   (red; inversion 1);
                 let Hminus := fresh in
                 assert (~ starts_with tl MINUS) as Hminus by
                   (red; inversion 1);
                 let Htimes := fresh in
                 assert (~ starts_with tl TIMES) as Htimes by
                   (red; inversion 1);
                 let Heqdata := fresh in
                 assert (parse_ret_data pe_val = Some (tl, val)) as Heqdata by
                   (rewrite Heq; apply (H0 _ Hplus Hminus Htimes));
                 destruct pe_val; discriminate Heqdata ||
                                  (injection Heqdata; intros; subst)
Local Ltac red_summand_completeness :=
match goal with
| H : parse_summand_completeness_stmt ?l ?val |-
  appcontext [parse_summand (?l ++ ?tl) ?Hacc] =>
  destruct (H _ Hacc) as [? e]; rewrite e
Local Ltac red_parse_summand :=
match goal with
| |- appcontext [parse_summand (?l ++ ?tl) ?H] =>
   let a := fresh "a" in generalize H as a; intro a;
   remember (parse_summand (l ++ tl) a) as ps_val;
   try (match goal with
               | H0 : forall tl, ~ starts_with tl TIMES ->
                 forall H, parse_ret_data (parse_summand (l ++ tl) H) =
                   Some (tl, ?val),
                 H1 : ~ starts_with tl TIMES,
                 Heq : ps_val = _  |- _ =>
                 let Heqdata := fresh in
                 assert (parse_ret_data ps_val = Some (tl, val)) as Heqdata by
                   (rewrite Heq; apply (H0 _ H1));
               destruct ps_val; discriminate Heqdata ||
                                (injection Heqdata; intros; subst)
Local Ltac red_parse_factor :=
match goal with
| |- appcontext [parse_factor (?l ++ ?tl) ?H] =>
   let a := fresh "a" in generalize H as a; intro a;
   remember (parse_factor (l ++ tl) a) as pf_val;
   try (match goal with
        | H0 : parse_factor_completeness_stmt l ?val,
          Heq : pf_val = _ |- _ =>
          let Heqdata := fresh in
            assert (parse_ret_data pf_val = Some (tl, val)) as Heqdata by
               (rewrite Heq; apply H0);
            destruct pf_val; discriminate Heqdata ||
                             (injection Heqdata; intros; subst)
Local Ltac end_state p :=
match goal with
| |- appcontext [p ?tl ?H] =>
   let a := fresh "a" in generalize H as a; intro a; exists a;
   destruct (p tl a); reflexivity
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; red_parse_summand;
          end_state (parse_expr_sub val1)).
abstract (subcase_intros; red_expr_completeness; expand_parser;
  red_parse_summand; end_state (parse_expr_sub (val1 + val3))).
abstract (subcase_intros; red_expr_completeness; expand_parser;
  red_parse_summand; end_state (parse_expr_sub (val1 - val3))).
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; red_parse_factor;
  end_state (parse_summand_sub val1)).
abstract (subcase_intros; red_summand_completeness; expand_parser;
  red_parse_factor; end_state (parse_summand_sub (val1 * val3))).
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; reflexivity).
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; red_parse_factor; reflexivity).
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; red_parse_factor; reflexivity).
abstract (subcase_intros; expand_parser; red_parse_expr;
  simpl; reflexivity).
Corollary parse_expr_completeness'' :
  forall {hd n}, expr_value hd n -> forall tl,
  ~ starts_with tl PLUS -> ~ starts_with tl MINUS ->
  ~ starts_with tl TIMES -> forall H,
  parse_ret_data (parse_expr (hd ++ tl) H) = Some (tl, n).
intros hd n Hexpr.
apply parse_expr_completeness'.
apply parse_expr_completeness; trivial.
Corollary parse_expr_completeness_no_tail :
  forall (l : list token) (n : Z), expr_value l n -> forall H,
  parse_ret_data (parse_expr l H) = Some (nil, n).
intros l n ?; rewrite (app_nil_end l); intros.
apply parse_expr_completeness''; trivial; red; inversion 1.
Program Definition parse_expr_wrapper (l : list token) :
  { n:Z | unique (expr_value l) n } +
  { forall n:Z, ~ expr_value l n } :=
match parse_expr l (lt_wf _) with
| parse_success nil n _ => inleft _ n
| _ => inright _ _
Next Obligation.
clear Heq_anonymous.
red; split.
rewrite <- app_nil_end; trivial.
intros m ?.
rewrite <- app_nil_end in H.
pose proof (parse_expr_completeness_no_tail _ _ H (lt_wf _)).
rewrite (parse_expr_completeness_no_tail _ _ e0) in H0.
injection H0; auto.
Next Obligation.
change (forall n wildcard',
  parse_success l expr_value [] n wildcard' <>
  parse_expr l (lt_wf _)) in H.
remember (parse_expr l (lt_wf _)) as pe_val.
assert (parse_ret_data pe_val = Some (nil, n)) by
  (rewrite Heqpe_val; apply parse_expr_completeness_no_tail; trivial).
destruct pe_val; simpl in H1; try discriminate H1.
injection H1; intros; subst.
contradiction (H n e); reflexivity.
(* For extraction, use:
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Extraction Inline parse_expr_builder parse_expr_sub_builder
  parse_summand_builder parse_summand_sub_builder parse_factor_builder
  parse_monad_bind parse_monad_bind_rec run_with_initial_state.
Recursive Extraction parse_expr_wrapper.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️