ArbitraryArity - coq/coq GitHub Wiki

Here's an example showing how to define and work with functions taking a variable number of arguments.

(* Defines the type of a function X^n -> Y. *)
Fixpoint n_args (X Y:Type) (n:nat) : Type :=
  match n with
  | 0 => Y
  | S m => X -> (n_args X Y m)

(* Composition of a function X^n -> Y with a function Y -> Z. *)
Fixpoint n_args_range_fun {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} :
  (Y->Z) -> (n_args X Y n) -> (n_args X Z n) :=
  fun f =>
    match n as n' return (n_args X Y n' -> n_args X Z n') with
    | 0 => fun g => f g
    | S n0 => fun g x => n_args_range_fun f (g x)
(* Eval compute in (@n_args_range_fun 3). *)

(* Composition of a function Y^n -> Z with a function X -> Y. *)
Fixpoint n_args_dom_fun {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} :
  (n_args Y Z n) -> (X->Y) -> (n_args X Z n) :=
  match n as n' return (n_args Y Z n' -> (X -> Y) -> n_args X Z n') with
  | 0 => fun z _ => z
  | S n0 => fun f g x => n_args_dom_fun (f (g x)) g
(* Eval compute in (@n_args_dom_fun 3). *)

(* Composition of a function X^n -> Y with the diagonal map X -> X^n. *)
Fixpoint duplicate_arg {n:nat} {X Y:Type} :
  (n_args X Y n) -> X -> Y :=
  match n as n' return (n_args X Y n' -> X -> Y) with
  | 0 => fun y _ => y
  | S n0 => fun f x => duplicate_arg (f x) x
(* Eval compute in (@duplicate_args 3). *)

(* Composition of a function X^n -> Y with a function X -> Y -> Z to get
   a function X^(n+1) -> Z. *)
Definition curry_first_arg {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} :
  (X->Y->Z) -> (n_args X Y n) -> (n_args X Z (S n)) :=
  fun f g x => n_args_range_fun (f x) g.
(* Eval compute in (@curry_first_arg 3). *)

(* Composition of a function X^n -> Y with a function Y -> X -> Z to get
   a function X^(n+1) -> Z. *)
Fixpoint curry_last_arg {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} {struct n} :
  (Y->X->Z) -> (n_args X Y n) -> (n_args X Z (S n)) :=
  fun f =>
    match n as n' return (n_args X Y n' -> n_args X Z (S n')) with
    | 0 => fun g x => f g x
    | S n0 => fun g x => curry_last_arg f (g x)
(* Eval compute in (@curry_last_arg 3). *)

(* Translate from a function Y -> X^n -> Z to X^n -> Y -> Z.
   In the other direction you can use n_args_range_fun to compose
   X^n -> Y -> Z with evaluation at y for a given y:Y. *)
Fixpoint bring_dep_inside {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} :
  (Y -> (n_args X Z n)) -> (n_args X (Y->Z) n) :=
  match n as n' return ((Y -> n_args X Z n') -> n_args X (Y->Z) n') with
  | 0 => fun f => f
  | S n0 => fun f x0 => bring_dep_inside (fun y:Y => f y x0)
(* Eval compute in (@bring_dep_inside 3). *)

(* Composition of a function Y^n -> Z with n functions X -> Y. *)
Fixpoint n_args_dom_funs {n:nat} {X Y Z:Type} {struct n} :
  (n_args Y Z n) -> (n_args (X->Y) (n_args X Z n) n) :=
  match n as n' return (n_args Y Z n' -> n_args (X->Y) (n_args X Z n') n') with
  | 0 => fun z => z
  | S n0 => fun f g0 => bring_dep_inside
                      (fun x0:X => n_args_dom_funs (f (g0 x0)))
(* Eval compute in (@n_args_dom_funs 3). *)

Lemma n_args_add: forall (X Y:Type) (n m:nat),
    n_args X (n_args X Y m) n = n_args X Y (n+m).
  induction n.
  rewrite IHn.

(* Defines the type of an operator on X of a given arity. *)
Definition operator (X:Type) (arity:nat) : Type := n_args X X arity.

Require Export Relation_Definitions.
Require Export RelationClasses.

Generalizable Variables eqv.

(* Extensional equality of two functions X^n -> Y. *)
Fixpoint n_args_equiv {X Y:Type} {n:nat} `{Equivalence Y eqv} :
  relation (n_args X Y n) :=
  match n as m return (relation (n_args X Y m)) with
  | 0 => eqv
  | S m => fun op1 op2 => forall x:X, n_args_equiv (op1 x) (op2 x)
(* Eval compute in (fun X Y => (@n_args_equiv X Y 3)). *)

Instance n_args_equiv_equiv: forall (X Y:Type) (n:nat) `{Equivalence Y eqv},
    Equivalence (@n_args_equiv X Y n _ _).
  induction n.
  red; intros op x.
  red; intros op1 op2 ? x.
  symmetry; trivial.
  red; intros op1 op2 op3 ? ? x.
  etransitivity; eauto.

Require Export Morphisms.

(* Signature which asserts the properness of an operator of arity n over R. *)
Fixpoint operator_signature {X:Type} (R:relation X) (n:nat) :
  relation (operator X n) :=
  match n with
  | 0 => R%signature
  | S m => (R ==> operator_signature R m)%signature

(* Example of this: define an arbitrary variety of algebras. *)
Class AlgebraSignature (Operation:Type) : Type :=
| Arity : Operation -> nat.

Section algebra_signature.
  Context `{AlgebraSignature}.

  (* Unfortunately, we can't make an inductive constructor of type
   forall op:Operation, operator (abstract_term vars) (Arity op), so we
   go through an intermediate vector type and then define that constructor
   later... *)
  Inductive abstract_term (vars:Type) : Type :=
  | var_term: vars -> abstract_term vars
  | op_term_vect: forall op:Operation,
      abstract_term_vector vars (Arity op) -> abstract_term vars

  with abstract_term_vector (vars:Type) : nat -> Type :=
       | term_vector_nil: abstract_term_vector vars 0
       | term_vector_cons: forall {n:nat}, abstract_term vars ->
                                    abstract_term_vector vars n ->
                                    abstract_term_vector vars (S n).

  Fixpoint make_vect_aux {vars:Type} (n:nat) {X} (f:abstract_term_vector vars n -> X)
    : n_args (abstract_term vars) X n :=
    match n as n' return ((abstract_term_vector vars n' -> X) ->
                          n_args (abstract_term vars) X n') with
    | 0 => fun f => f (term_vector_nil vars)
    | S m =>
      fun f (t:abstract_term vars) =>
        @make_vect_aux vars m _ (fun v => f (term_vector_cons vars t v))
    end f.

  Definition make_vect {vars:Type} (n:nat) :
    n_args (abstract_term vars) (abstract_term_vector vars n) n :=
    make_vect_aux n (fun t:abstract_term_vector vars n => t).
  (* Eval compute in (fun vars => @make_vect_aux vars 3). *)
  (* Eval compute in (fun vars => @make_vect vars 3). *)

  Definition op_term {vars:Type} (op:Operation) :
    operator (abstract_term vars) (Arity op) :=
    make_vect_aux (Arity op) (op_term_vect vars op).

  Fixpoint evaluate {X:Type} {vars:Type}
           (vals: vars -> X) (ops: forall op:Operation, operator X (Arity op))
           (t: abstract_term vars) {struct t} : X :=
    match t with
    | var_term _ v => vals v
    | op_term_vect _ op v => vector_evaluate vals ops v (ops op)

  with vector_evaluate
         {X:Type} {vars:Type}
         (vals: vars -> X) (ops: forall op:Operation, operator X (Arity op))
         {n:nat} (v:abstract_term_vector vars n) (top_op: operator X n)
         {struct v} : X :=
         match v in (abstract_term_vector _ m) return (operator X m -> X) with
         | term_vector_nil _ => fun op => op
         | term_vector_cons _ hd tl =>
           fun op => vector_evaluate vals ops tl (op (evaluate vals ops hd))
         end top_op.

End algebra_signature.

Class AlgebraSpec : Type :=
  { Operation: Type;
    signature:> AlgebraSignature Operation;
    Identity: Type;
    IdentityVariable: Identity -> Type;
    IdentityTerms: forall ident:Identity,
        abstract_term (IdentityVariable ident) *
        abstract_term (IdentityVariable ident) }.

Require Export SetoidClass.

Class Algebra (A:Type) `{Setoid A} `{AlgebraSpec} : Type :=
  { ops: forall op:Operation, operator A (Arity op);
    op_proper:> forall op:Operation,
        Proper (operator_signature equiv (Arity op)) (ops op);
      forall (ident:Identity) (vars: IdentityVariable ident -> A),
        evaluate vars ops (fst (IdentityTerms ident)) ==
        evaluate vars ops (snd (IdentityTerms ident)) }.

Generalizable Variables A B.

Class AlgebraHom `{AlgebraSpec} `{Setoid A} `{!Algebra A}
      `{Setoid B} `{!Algebra B} (f:A->B) : Prop :=
| respects_ops: forall op:Operation,
    n_args_equiv (n_args_range_fun f (ops op))
                 (n_args_dom_fun (ops op) f).

Inductive no_vars : Set := .

Inductive one_var : Set := var1_x.

Inductive two_vars : Set := var2_x | var2_y.

Inductive three_vars : Set := var3_x | var3_y | var3_z.

About var_term.
Arguments var_term {Operation H vars} _.

(* Example constructing groups as an instance of a variety of algebras.
   Defining the identities is still a bit cumbersome... *)
Section groups_example.

  Inductive GroupOp : Set := GroupMult | GroupInv | GroupId.

  Instance GroupSignature : AlgebraSignature GroupOp :=
    fun (op:GroupOp) => match op with
                     | GroupMult => 2
                     | GroupInv => 1
                     | GroupId => 0

  Inductive GroupIdentity : Set :=
    GroupIdLeft | GroupIdRight | GroupInvLeft | GroupInvRight | GroupAssoc.

  Instance GroupSpec : AlgebraSpec :=
    { Operation := GroupOp;
      Identity := GroupIdentity;
      IdentityVariable :=
        fun ident => match ident with
                  | GroupIdLeft => one_var
                  | GroupIdRight => one_var
                  | GroupInvLeft => one_var
                  | GroupInvRight => one_var
                  | GroupAssoc => three_vars
  (* IdentityTerms *)
  destruct ident.
  (* GroupIdLeft *)
  exact ( (op_term GroupMult (op_term GroupId) (var_term var1_x),
           var_term var1_x) ).
  (* GroupIdRight *)
  exact ( (op_term GroupMult (var_term var1_x) (op_term GroupId),
           var_term var1_x) ).
  (* GroupInvLeft *)
  exact ( (op_term GroupMult (op_term GroupInv (var_term var1_x))
                   (var_term var1_x),
           op_term GroupId) ).
  (* GroupInvRight *)
  exact ( (op_term GroupMult (var_term var1_x)
                   (op_term GroupInv (var_term var1_x)),
           var_term var1_x) ).
  (* GroupAssoc *)
  exact ( (op_term GroupMult (var_term var3_x)
                   (op_term GroupMult (var_term var3_y) (var_term var3_z)),
           op_term GroupMult
                   (op_term GroupMult (var_term var3_x) (var_term var3_y))
                   (var_term var3_z)) ).

  Generalizable Variables G.

  Class Group (G:Type) `{Setoid G} : Type :=
  | group_structure:> Algebra G.

  Context `{Group G}.

  Definition group_mult : G -> G -> G := ops GroupMult.

  Definition group_inv: G -> G := ops GroupInv.

  Definition group_id: G := ops GroupId.

  Lemma group_mult_proper: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) group_mult.
    exact (op_proper GroupMult).

  Lemma group_mult_assoc: forall x y z:G,
      group_mult x (group_mult y z) ==
      group_mult (group_mult x y) z.
    exact (identity_holds
             (fun v:three_vars =>
                match v with
                | var3_x => x | var3_y => y | var3_z => z

End groups_example.