AUGER_Monad - coq/coq GitHub Wiki

This file uses my notations.

It has been written from this Haskell tutorial, so the notations for the monads are also taken from Haskell.

After having done this file I took a look at what has been done in coq for the monads, and I found:

  • this contribution; it has a lot of lemmas and theorems, but no example, and IMHO my definition of a monad is more handy (the monad_carrier is a parameter of the type and not a field); but I think that merging my development with his one could be a good thing.
  • GMonad; a generalization of monads.
Require Import Notations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(** * The Monad Type Class *)
Class Monad (m: Type → Type): Type :=
{ return_: ∀ A, A → m A;
  bind: ∀ A, m A → ∀ B, (A → m B) → m B;
  right_unit: ∀ A (a: m A), a = bind a (@return_ A);
  left_unit: ∀ A (a: A) B (f: A → m B),
             f a = bind (return_ a) f;
  associativity: ∀ A (ma: m A) B f C (g: B → m C),
                 bind ma (λ x· bind (f x) g) = bind (bind ma f) g
Notation "a >>= f" := (bind a _ f) (at level 50, left associativity).
Section monadic_functions.
 Variable m: Type → Type.
 Variable M: Monad m.
 Definition wbind {A: Type} (ma: m A) {B: Type} (mb: m B) :=
 ma >>= λ _·mb.
 Definition liftM {A B: Type} (f: A→B) (ma: m A): m B :=
 ma >>= (λ a · return_ (f a)).
 Definition join {A: Type} (mma: m (m A)): m A :=
 mma >>= (λ ma · ma).
End monadic_functions.
Notation "a >> f" := (wbind _ a f) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation "'do' a ← e ; c" := (e >>= (λ a · c)) (at level 60, right associativity).
(** * Some classic Monads *)
(** ** The Maybe monad (using option type) *)
Instance Maybe: Monad option :=
{| return_ := Some;
   bind := λ A m B f · match m with None => None | Some a => f a end
(* Checking the 3 laws *)
 (* unit_left *)
 abstract (intros A a; case a; split).
 (* unit_right *)
 abstract (split).
 (* associativity *)
 abstract (intros A m B f C g; case m; split).
(** The Reader monad *)
Axiom Eta: ∀ A (B: A → Type) (f: ∀ a, B a), f = λ a·f a.
Instance Reader (E: Type): Monad (λ A · E → A) :=
{| return_ := λ A (a: A) e · a;
   bind := λ A m B f e · f (m e) e
(* Checking the 3 laws *)
 (* unit_left *)
 intros; apply Eta.
 (* unit_right *)
 intros; apply Eta.
 (* associativity *)
(** ** The State monad *)
Axiom Ext: ∀ A (B: A→Type) (f g: ∀ a, B a), (∀ a, f a = g a) → f = g.
Instance State (S: Type): Monad (λ A · S → A * S) :=
{| return_ := λ A (a: A) s · (a, s);
   bind := λ A m B f s · let (a, s) := m s in f a s
(* Checking the 3 laws *)
 (* unit_left *)
 abstract (intros;apply Ext;intros s;destruct (a s);split).
 (* unit_right *)
 abstract (intros;apply Eta).
 (* associativity *)
 abstract (intros;apply Ext;intros s;destruct (ma s);reflexivity).
(** ** The tree monad *)
Inductive Tree (A:  Type) :=
| Leaf: A → Tree A
| Branch: Tree A → Tree A → Tree A
Definition bind_tree {A B: Type} (f: A → Tree B) :=
 fix bind_tree t :=
 match t with
 | Leaf a => f a
 | Branch t1 t2 => Branch (bind_tree t1) (bind_tree t2)
Instance tree : Monad Tree :=
{ return_ := Leaf;
  bind := λ A t B f · bind_tree f t
(* Checking the 3 laws *)
 (* unit_left *)
 Lemma tree_unit_left: ∀ A a, a = bind_tree (@Leaf A) a.
 intros A; fix 1; intros []; simpl.
 intros t1 t2.
 generalize (tree_unit_left t1) (tree_unit_left t2); clear tree_unit_left.
 intros [] [].
 exact tree_unit_left.
 (* unit_right *)
 Lemma tree_unit_right: ∀ A a B (f : A → Tree B), f a = bind_tree f (Leaf a).
 simpl; split.
 exact tree_unit_right.
 (* associativity *)
 Lemma tree_associativity: ∀ A (m : Tree A) B f C (g : B → Tree C),
 bind_tree (bind_tree g ∘ f) m = bind_tree g (bind_tree f m).
 intros A m B f C g; revert m.
 fix 1; intros []; simpl.
 intros t1 t2.
 generalize (tree_associativity t1) (tree_associativity t2);
 clear tree_associativity.
 intros [] [].
 exact tree_associativity.
(** ** A light version of the IO monad *)
Require Import Ascii.
Open Scope char_scope.
CoInductive stream: Type :=
| Stream: ascii → stream → stream
| EmptyStream.
Record std_streams: Type :=
{ stdin: stream;
  stdout: stream;
  stderr: stream
Definition io (A: Type) := std_streams → (A * std_streams).
Instance IO : Monad io :=
{| return_ := λ A (a: A) s · (a, s);
   bind := λ A a B (f: A → io B) s · let (a, s) := (a s) in f a s
(* Checking the 3 laws *)
 (* unit_left *)
 Lemma io_unit_left:
 ∀ A (a: io A), a = (λ s : std_streams · let (a, s) := a s in (a, s)).
 intros; apply Ext.
 intros s; case (a s); split.
 exact io_unit_left.
 (* unit_right *)
 Lemma io_unit_right:
 ∀ A a B (f : A → io B), f a = (λ s : std_streams · f a s).
 intros; apply Ext.
 exact io_unit_right.
 (* associativity *)
 Lemma io_associativity: ∀ A (m : io A) B (f: A → io B) C (g : B → io C),
 (λ s · let (a, s0) := m s in let (a0, s1) := f a s0 in g a0 s1) =
 (λ s · let (a, s0) := let (a, s0) := m s in f a s0 in g a s0).
 intros; apply Ext.
 intros; case (m a); split.
 exact io_associativity.
Definition getchar: io ascii :=
 λ i·
 let (c, stdin) :=
 match i.(stdin) with
 | EmptyStream => ("#", EmptyStream) (*I do not remember the code of EOF *)
 | Stream a i => (a, i)
 in (c, {|stdin := stdin; stdout := i.(stdout); stderr := i.(stderr)|}).
Definition putchar (a: ascii): io unit :=
 λ i·
 let stdout :=
 (cofix putchar i :=
 match i with
 | EmptyStream => Stream a EmptyStream
 | Stream a i => Stream a (putchar i)
 end) i.(stdout)
 in (tt, {|stdin:=i.(stdin); stdout:=stdout; stderr:=i.(stderr)|}).
Definition err_putchar (a: ascii): io unit :=
 λ i·
 let stderr :=
 (cofix putchar i :=
 match i with
 | EmptyStream => Stream a EmptyStream
 | Stream a i => Stream a (putchar i)
 end) i.(stderr)
 in (tt, {|stdin:=i.(stdin); stdout:=i.(stdout); stderr:=stderr|}).
Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Fixpoint lts l :=
match l with
| nil => EmptyString
| c::l => String c (lts l)
Fixpoint ltS l :=
match l with
| nil => EmptyStream
| c::l => Stream c (ltS l)
Example some_std_streams :=
{| stdin := ltS ("H"::"e"::"l"::"l"::"o"::","::" "::"W"::"o"::"r"::"l"::"d"::
   stdout := EmptyStream;
   stderr := EmptyStream
Example prog :=
 (do h    ← getchar;
  do e    ← getchar;
  do l1   ← getchar;
  do l2   ← getchar;
  do o1   ← getchar;
  do coma ← getchar;
  putchar "E" >>
  do space← getchar;
  do w    ← getchar;
  do o2   ← getchar;
  putchar "n" >>
  do r    ← getchar;
  do l3   ← getchar;
  do d    ← getchar;
  putchar d >>
  do bang ← getchar;
  do eof1 ← getchar;
  do eof2 ← getchar;
  do eof3 ← getchar;
  return_ (lts (h::e::l1::l2::o1::coma::space::w::o2::r::l3::d::
Eval compute in (prog some_std_streams).
Eval compute in (let out := (snd (prog some_std_streams)).(stdout) in
                prog {|stdin := out;
                       stdout := EmptyStream;
                       stderr := EmptyStream|}).