LC 0207 0210 [M] [M] Course Schedule I, II - ALawliet/algorithms GitHub Wiki

we want all nodes going from left to right, assuming there is no cycle

topsort to collect all nodes in increasing departure time order in linear time with Kahn's indegree

pay attention to the ordering e.g. [0,1] means you gotta take course 1 before course 0 so you either build indegrees with 0<-1 (a<-b) and reverse the toposort at the end or do 1->0 (b->a)

class Solution:
    def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        order = []

        adj   = {i:[] for i in range(numCourses)}
        indeg = {i:0  for i in range(numCourses)}
        for nxt, pre in prerequisites:
            indeg[nxt] += 1
        Q = deque([i for i in indeg if indeg[i] == 0])
        while Q:
            u = Q.popleft()
            for v in adj[u]:
                indeg[v] -= 1
                if indeg[v] == 0:

        return len(order) == numCourses # Course Schedule       
        return order if len(order) == numCourses else [] # Course Schedule II