TG_004.TC_007 - codemetropolis/CodeMetropolis GitHub Wiki


Test rendering with missing world any parameters


  • Java runtime 1.8

  • placingToRendering.xml exists in the rendering-1.4.0.jar's folder and is a valid inputFile (produced by placing-1.4.0.jar with the mappingToPlacing.xml as input generated by mapping-1.4.0.jar with the cdfFile generated by converter-1.4.0.jar for the input codemetropolis-toolchain-commons.graph)

  • command line opened in the folder of rendering-1.4.0.jar


  1. Run "java -jar rendering-1.4.0.jar -i placingToRendering.xml"

Expected result:

The tool prints out an informative help message with the usage of the parameters.