Changes in 3.5.0 - bndtools/bnd GitHub Wiki

Bnd 3.5.0

For Bndtools 3.5.0 changes, see


  • Make sure output folders exist even after Gradle deletes them when it detects a version change.
  • Fix thread safety issue where CharsetDecoders where used by multiple threads.
  • Ignore empty property values when merging properties.
  • Fix support for -runstorage instruction.
  • Remote agent was updated to work with older OSGi Core 4.2 based runtimes.
  • Support for -runkeep was improved to avoid reinstalling unchanged bundles.
  • Support for https proxies was added.
  • Fix Java 9 support to use the proper JavaSE-9 execution environment name.
  • Handle HTTP/1.1 redirect codes 307 and 308.

Bnd Maven Plugins

  • Ensure consistent ordering on traversal of repositories.

Backwards compatibility

  • Bnd 4.0 will move to Java 8 as the base runtime.
  • The Bnd DS, metatype and versioning annotations are deprecated and support for them will be removed in Bnd 4.0. Please make plans to migrate to the OSGi Release 6 specified annotations which now offer more features than the bnd annotations.
  • The Bnd Gradle plugins will require at least Gradle 4.0 in the next release.
  • The JPMRepository is deprecated and will place a warning on the workspace if used. Please make plans to move to another repository type. The server has been decommissioned.
  • The OSGiRepository replaces the aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.FixedIndexRepo repository plugin which will be deprecated in the future. Please migrate to the OSGiRepository repository plugin.
  • The MavenBndRepository replaces the aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.aether.AetherRepository repository plugin which is now deprecated. Please migrate to the MavenBndRepository repository plugin.
  • All artifacts now use Java 7 as the compile target. In the prior release, some artifacts had used Java 6 as the compile target.

Known Issues

  • None at this time.