CS:GO POV weapon only stream - advancedfx/advancedfx GitHub Wiki

Requires HLAE 2.90.1 or newer.

// viewmodel only stream:
// Last change: 2022-03-19T14:36Z
mirv_streams add baseFx viewModel
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter clear
// uncomment to hide stickers // mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "shader=WeaponDecal_dx9" "action=noDraw"
// uncomment to hide stattrack // mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=models/weapons/stattrack/\*" "action=noDraw"
// uncomment to hide name tags // mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=models/weapons/uid/\*" "action=noDraw"
// uncomment to make invisible while flashed // mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter add "effects/flashbang" mask; mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter add "effects/flashbang_white" mask
// uncomment to make visible in smoke // mirv_streams edit viewModel smokeOverlayAlphaFactor 0
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "className=predicted_viewmodel" "action=draw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=vgui_\*" "action=draw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=dev/glow_\*" "action=noDraw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=dev/halo_\*" "action=noDraw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=particle/\*" "action=noDraw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=engine/\*" "action=draw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "name=dev/\*" "action=draw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "textureGroup=SkyBox textures" "action=mask"
mirv_streams edit viewModel actionFilter addEx "action=noDraw"
mirv_streams edit viewModel drawHud 0
mirv_streams preview viewModel