Release Instructions - adesutherland/CMS-370-BREXX GitHub Wiki


  • master - Main Branch - only the release manager should merge into it after checking quality
  • develop - Main development branch. Trivial changes done here, or squash commits from a feature branch
  • feature/fnnnn - Feature Branches - where development happens


Release history should be added to file changelog.txt as well as to the Release History Wiki Page

Pull Requests (GitHub)

TBC - Currently we do not use pull requests (but we should)

Dev Workflow

0. Prelude

git fetch
git status

1. Create a feature branch

git checkout develop
git checkout -b feature/f000n

2. Changes / debugging

git fetch
git status
git add *
git commit -m "blah blah"


3. Tested and ready to get it into develop as one simple commit

git checkout develop
git merge --squash feature/f00xx
git commit -m "f00xx"
git push

4. Delete Unwanted feature branch (i.e. AFTER merge to develop)

git branch -d feature/f00xx
git push origin --delete feature/f00xx

5. Tag a pre-release (will cause a release build draft in github)

git tag f000n
git push origin f000n

6. Delete Tag

git tag -d f00xx
git push --delete origin f00xx

7. Merge into master

git checkout master
git merge develop
git push

8. Tag a release

git tag v1.x.y
git push origin v1.x.y