This cheat sheet originated from the forum, credits to Laurent Poulain. We copied it and changed or added a few things. There are certainly a lot of things that can be improved! If you would like to contribute, you have two options: - Click the "Edit" button on this file on GitHub: []( You can submit a pull request directly from there without checking out the git repository to your local machine. - Fork the repository []( and check it out locally. To preview your changes, you need [jekyll]( Navigate to your checkout and invoke `jekyll --auto --server`, then open the page [http://localhost:4000/CheatSheet.html](http://localhost:4000/CheatSheet.html). ## Evaluation Rules - Call by value: evaluates the function arguments before calling the function - Call by name: evaluates the function first, and then evaluates the arguments if need be ```scala def example = 2 // evaluated when called val example = 2 // evaluated immediately lazy val example = 2 // evaluated once when needed def square(x: Double) // call by value def square(x: => Double) // call by name def myFct(bindings: Int*) { ... } // bindings is a sequence of int, containing a varying # of arguments ``` ## Higher order functions These are functions that take a function as a parameter or return functions. ```scala // sum() returns a function that takes two integers and returns an integer def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = { def sumf(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {...} sumf } // same as above. Its type is (Int => Int) => (Int, Int) => Int def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { ... } // Called like this sum((x: Int) => x * x * x) // Anonymous function, i.e. does not have a name sum(x => x * x * x) // Same anonymous function with type inferred def cube(x: Int) = x * x * x sum(x => x * x * x)(1, 10) // sum of cubes from 1 to 10 sum(cube)(1, 10) // same as above ``` ## Currying Converting a function with multiple arguments into a function with a single argument that returns another function. ```scala def f(a: Int, b: Int): Int // uncurried version (type is (Int, Int) => Int) def f(a: Int)(b: Int): Int // curried version (type is Int => Int => Int) ``` ## Classes ```scala class MyClass(x: Int, y: Int) { // Defines a new type MyClass with a constructor require(y > 0, "y must be positive") // precondition, triggering an IllegalArgumentException if not met def this (x: Int) = { ... } // auxiliary constructor def nb1 = x // public method computed every time it is called def nb2 = y private def test(a: Int): Int = { ... } // private method val nb3 = x + y // computed only once override def toString = // overridden method member1 + ", " + member2 } new MyClass(1, 2) // creates a new object of type ``` `this` references the current object, `assert()` issues `AssertionError` if condition is not met. See `scala.Predef` for `require`, `assume` and `assert`. ## Operators `myObject myMethod 1` is the same as calling `myObject.myMethod(1)` Operator (i.e. function) names can be alphanumeric, symbolic (e.g. `x1`, `*`, `+?%&`, `vector_++`, `counter_=`) The precedence of an operator is determined by its first character, with the following increasing order of priority: (all letters) | ^ & < > = ! : + - * / % (all other special characters) The associativity of an operator is determined by its last character: Right-associative if ending with `:`, Left-associative otherwise. Note that assignment operators have lowest precedence. (Read Scala Language Specification 2.9 sections 6.12.3, 6.12.4 for more info) ## Class hierarchies ```scala abstract class TopLevel { // abstract class def method1(x: Int): Int // abstract method def method2(x: Int): Int = { ... } } class Level1 extends TopLevel { def method1(x: Int): Int = { ... } override def method2(x: Int): Int = { ...} // TopLevel's method2 needs to be explicitly overridden } object MyObject extends TopLevel { ... } // defines a singleton object. No other instance can be created ``` To create a runnable application in Scala: ```scala object Hello { def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hello world") } ``` or ```scala object Hello extends App { println("Hello World") } ``` ## Class Organization - Classes and objects are organized in packages (`package myPackage`). - They can be referenced through import statements (`import myPackage.MyClass`, `import myPackage._`, `import myPackage.{MyClass1, MyClass2}`, `import myPackage.{MyClass1 => A}`) - They can also be directly referenced in the code with the fully qualified name (`new myPackage.MyClass1`) - All members of packages `scala` and `java.lang` as well as all members of the object `scala.Predef` are automatically imported. - Traits are similar to Java interfaces, except they can have non-abstract members: ```scala trait Planar { ... } class Square extends Shape with Planar ``` - General object hierarchy: - `scala.Any` base type of all types. Has methods `hashCode` and `toString` that can be overloaded - `scala.AnyVal` base type of all primitive types. (`scala.Double`, `scala.Float`, etc.) - `scala.AnyRef` base type of all reference types. (alias of `java.lang.Object`, supertype of `java.lang.String`, `scala.List`, any user-defined class) - `scala.Null` is a subtype of any `scala.AnyRef` (`null` is the only instance of type `Null`), and `scala.Nothing` is a subtype of any other type without any instance. ## Type Parameters Conceptually similar to C++ templates or Java generics. These can apply to classes, traits or functions. ```scala class MyClass[T](arg1: T) { ... } new MyClass[Int](1) new MyClass(1) // the type is being inferred, i.e. determined based on the value arguments ``` It is possible to restrict the type being used, e.g. ```scala def myFct[T <: TopLevel](arg: T): T = { ... } // T must derive from TopLevel or be TopLevel def myFct[T >: Level1](arg: T): T = { ... } // T must be a supertype of Level1 def myFct[T >: Level1 <: Top Level](arg: T): T = { ... } ``` ## Variance Given `A <: B` If `C[A] <: C[B]`, `C` is covariant If `C[A] >: C[B]`, `C` is contravariant Otherwise C is nonvariant ```scala class C[+A] { ... } // C is covariant class C[-A] { ... } // C is contravariant class C[A] { ... } // C is nonvariant ``` For a function, if `A2 <: A1` and `B1 <: B2`, then `A1 => B1 <: A2 => B2`. Functions must be contravariant in their argument types and covariant in their result types, e.g. ```scala trait Function1[-T, +U] { def apply(x: T): U } // Variance check is OK because T is contravariant and U is covariant class Array[+T] { def update(x: T) } // variance checks fails ``` Find out more about variance in [lecture 4.4]( and [lecture 4.5]( ## Pattern Matching Pattern matching is used for decomposing data structures: ```scala unknownObject match { case MyClass(n) => ... case MyClass2(a, b) => ... } ``` Here are a few example patterns ```scala (someList: List[T]) match { case Nil => ... // empty list case x :: Nil => ... // list with only one element case List(x) => ... // same as above case x :: xs => ... // a list with at least one element. x is bound to the head, // xs to the tail. xs could be Nil or some other list. case 1 :: 2 :: cs => ... // lists that starts with 1 and then 2 case (x, y) :: ps => ... // a list where the head element is a pair case _ => ... // default case if none of the above matches } ``` The last example shows that every pattern consists of sub-patterns: it only matches lists with at least one element, where that element is a pair. `x` and `y` are again patterns that could match only specific types. ### Options Pattern matching can also be used for `Option` values. Some functions (like `Map.get`) return a value of type `Option[T]` which is either a value of type `Some[T]` or the value `None`: ```scala val myMap = Map("a" -> 42, "b" -> 43) def getMapValue(s: String): String = { myMap get s match { case Some(nb) => "Value found: " + nb case None => "No value found" } } getMapValue("a") // "Value found: 42" getMapValue("c") // "No value found" ``` Most of the times when you write a pattern match on an option value, the same expression can be written more concisely using combinator methods of the `Option` class. For example, the function `getMapValue` can be written as follows: ```scala def getMapValue(s: String): String = myMap.get(s).map("Value found: " + _).getOrElse("No value found") ``` ### Pattern Matching in Anonymous Functions Pattern matches are also used quite often in anonymous functions: ```scala val pairs: List[(Char, Int)] = ('a', 2) :: ('b', 3) :: Nil val chars: List[Char] = => p match { case (ch, num) => ch }) ``` Instead of `p => p match { case ... }`, you can simply write `{case ...}`, so the above example becomes more concise: ```scala val chars: List[Char] = pairs map { case (ch, num) => ch } ``` ## Collections Scala defines several collection classes: ### Base Classes - `Iterable` (collections you can iterate on) - `Seq` (ordered sequences) - `Set` - `Map` (lookup data structure) ### Immutable Collections - `List` (linked list, provides fast sequential access) - `Stream` (same as List, except that the tail is evaluated only on demand) - `Vector` (array-like type, implemented as tree of blocks, provides fast random access) - `Range` (ordered sequence of integers with equal spacing) - `String` (Java type, implicitly converted to a character sequence, so you can treat every string like a `Seq[Char]`) - `Map` (collection that maps keys to values) - `Set` (collection without duplicate elements) ### Mutable Collections - `Array` (Scala arrays are native JVM arrays at runtime, therefore they are very performant) - Scala also has mutable maps and sets; these should only be used if there are performance issues with immutable types ### Examples ```scala val fruitList = List("apples", "oranges", "pears") // Alternative syntax for lists val fruit = "apples" :: ("oranges" :: ("pears" :: Nil)) // parens optional, :: is right-associative fruit.head // "apples" fruit.tail // List("oranges", "pears") val empty = List() val empty = Nil val nums = Vector("louis", "frank", "hiromi") nums(1) // element at index 1, returns "frank", complexity O(log(n)) nums.updated(2, "helena") // new vector with a different string at index 2, complexity O(log(n)) val fruitSet = Set("apple", "banana", "pear", "banana") fruitSet.size // returns 3: there are no duplicates, only one banana val r: Range = 1 until 5 // 1, 2, 3, 4 val s: Range = 1 to 5 // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 to 10 by 3 // 1, 4, 7, 10 6 to 1 by -2 // 6, 4, 2 val s = (1 to 6).toSet s map (_ + 2) // adds 2 to each element of the set val s = "Hello World" s filter (c => c.isUpper) // returns "HW"; strings can be treated as Seq[Char] // Operations on sequences val xs = List(...) xs.length // number of elements, complexity O(n) xs.last // last element (exception if xs is empty), complexity O(n) xs.init // all elements of xs but the last (exception if xs is empty), complexity O(n) xs take n // first n elements of xs xs drop n // the rest of the collection after taking n elements xs(n) // the nth element of xs, complexity O(n) xs ++ ys // concatenation, complexity O(n) xs.reverse // reverse the order, complexity O(n) xs updated(n, x) // same list than xs, except at index n where it contains x, complexity O(n) xs indexOf x // the index of the first element equal to x (-1 otherwise) xs contains x // same as xs indexOf x >= 0 xs filter p // returns a list of the elements that satisfy the predicate p xs filterNot p // filter with negated p xs partition p // same as (xs filter p, xs filterNot p) xs takeWhile p // the longest prefix consisting of elements that satisfy p xs dropWhile p // the remainder of the list after any leading element satisfying p have been removed xs span p // same as (xs takeWhile p, xs dropWhile p) List(x1, ..., xn) reduceLeft op // (...(x1 op x2) op x3) op ...) op xn List(x1, ..., xn).foldLeft(z)(op) // (...( z op x1) op x2) op ...) op xn List(x1, ..., xn) reduceRight op // x1 op (... (x{n-1} op xn) ...) List(x1, ..., xn).foldRight(z)(op) // x1 op (... ( xn op z) ...) xs exists p // true if there is at least one element for which predicate p is true xs forall p // true if p(x) is true for all elements xs zip ys // returns a list of pairs which groups elements with same index together xs unzip // opposite of zip: returns a pair of two lists xs.flatMap f // applies the function to all elements and concatenates the result xs.sum // sum of elements of the numeric collection xs.product // product of elements of the numeric collection xs.max // maximum of collection xs.min // minimum of collection xs.flatten // flattens a collection of collection into a single-level collection xs groupBy f // returns a map which points to a list of elements xs distinct // sequence of distinct entries (removes duplicates) x +: xs // creates a new collection with leading element x xs :+ x // creates a new collection with trailing element x // Operations on maps val myMap = Map("I" -> 1, "V" -> 5, "X" -> 10) // create a map myMap("I") // => 1 myMap("A") // => java.util.NoSuchElementException myMap get "A" // => None myMap get "I" // => Some(1) myMap.updated("V", 15) // returns a new map where "V" maps to 15 (entry is updated) // if the key ("V" here) does not exist, a new entry is added // Operations on Streams val xs = Stream(1, 2, 3) val xs = Stream.cons(1, Stream.cons(2, Stream.cons(3, Stream.empty))) // same as above (1 to 1000).toStream // => Stream(1, ?) x #:: xs // Same as Stream.cons(x, xs) // In the Stream's cons operator, the second parameter (the tail) // is defined as a "call by name" parameter. // Note that x::xs always produces a List ``` ## Pairs (similar for larger Tuples) ```scala val pair = ("answer", 42) // type: (String, Int) val (label, value) = pair // label = "answer", value = 42 pair._1 // "answer" pair._2 // 42 ``` ## Ordering There is already a class in the standard library that represents orderings: `scala.math.Ordering[T]` which contains comparison functions such as `lt()` and `gt()` for standard types. Types with a single natural ordering should inherit from the trait `scala.math.Ordered[T]`. ```scala import math.Ordering def msort[T](xs: List[T])(implicit ord: Ordering) = { ...} msort(fruits)(Ordering.String) msort(fruits) // the compiler figures out the right ordering ``` ## For-Comprehensions A for-comprehension is syntactic sugar for `map`, `flatMap` and `filter` operations on collections. The general form is `for (s) yield e` - `s` is a sequence of generators and filters - `p <- e` is a generator - `if f` is a filter - If there are several generators (equivalent of a nested loop), the last generator varies faster than the first - You can use `{ s }` instead of `( s )` if you want to use multiple lines without requiring semicolons - `e` is an element of the resulting collection ### Example 1 ```scala // list all combinations of numbers x and y where x is drawn from // 1 to M and y is drawn from 1 to N for (x <- 1 to M; y <- 1 to N) yield (x,y) ``` is equivalent to ```scala (1 to M) flatMap (x => (1 to N) map (y => (x, y))) ``` ### Translation Rules A for-expression looks like a traditional for loop but works differently internally `for (x <- e1) yield e2` is translated to ` => e2)` `for (x <- e1 if f) yield e2` is translated to `for (x <- e1.filter(x => f)) yield e2` `for (x <- e1; y <- e2) yield e3` is translated to `e1.flatMap(x => for (y <- e2) yield e3)` This means you can use a for-comprehension for your own type, as long as you define `map`, `flatMap` and `filter`. For more, see [lecture 6.5]( ### Example 2 ```scala for { i <- 1 until n j <- 1 until i if isPrime(i + j) } yield (i, j) ``` is equivalent to ```scala for (i <- 1 until n; j <- 1 until i if isPrime(i + j)) yield (i, j) ``` is equivalent to ```scala (1 until n).flatMap(i => (1 until i).filter(j => isPrime(i + j)).map(j => (i, j))) ```