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Generating a hashed password manually

Simon Date edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

We use bcrypt to store our users' passwords, so you'll need to make sure you generate a compatible hash if you're looking to change a password value manually. Don't worry if you don't know how to do this, we've written a script to automate the process for you.

Firstly, download a copy of the script and ensure it's named passwordgen.js (or make sure you reference this file in the command below), and put it into the root folder of your adapt_authoring install (i.e. the one with the package.json).

You can then generate a hash with the following command (where NEW_PASSWORD is whatever you want your new password to be):

node passwordgen.js NEW_PASSWORD

Alternative method

You can also generate a bcrypt password using a free online tool like this.

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