Analysis on oil price effects on Alberta employment - adamlee001/analytics GitHub Wiki

Analysis on oil price effects on Alberta employment

Using R

<Read on Google doc> It is 2016. A lot of people seem to be in agreement that Alberta is suffering economically due to the collapse of oil price since mid-2015.

Using public data for oil prices and Alberta unemployment rates, we can try to analyze if the above sentiment holds.

Null hypothesis: Oil price does not influence employment rate in Alberta Alternative hypothesis: Oil price has influence on employment rate in Alberta

Unemployment data is downloaded in CSV format from This actually contains much more than just Alberta data, however. So, we will just grab the first 4 columns of the data frame:

unemp <- read.csv("Unemployment_Rate.csv",header=T, View(unemp) albertaUnemploymentRate <- unemp[,1:4] View(albertaUnemploymentRate)

str(albertaUnemploymentRate) 'data.frame': 2880 obs. of 4 variables: $ When : chr "01/01/1976" "01/01/1976" "01/01/1976" "01/01/1976" ... $ AgeGroup: chr "15 years and over" "15 years and over" "15 to 24 years" "15 to 24 years" ... $ Sex : chr "Males" "Females" "Males" "Both sexes" ... $ Alberta : num 3.8 5.2 8 8.1 8.3 4.3 3.7 6.9 6.8 6.8 ...

head(albertaUnemploymentRate) When AgeGroup Sex Alberta 1 01/01/1976 15 years and over Males 3.8 2 01/01/1976 15 years and over Females 5.2 3 01/01/1976 15 to 24 years Males 8.0 4 01/01/1976 15 to 24 years Both sexes 8.1 5 01/01/1976 15 to 24 years Females 8.3 6 01/01/1976 15 years and over Both sexes 4.3 tail(albertaUnemploymentRate) When AgeGroup Sex Alberta 2875 12/01/2015 15 years and over Both sexes 7.0 2876 12/01/2015 15 years and over Males 7.9 2877 12/01/2015 15 to 24 years Both sexes 11.1 2878 12/01/2015 15 years and over Females 5.8 2879 12/01/2015 15 to 24 years Females 8.2 2880 12/01/2015 15 to 24 years Males 13.6

Data is a bit too detailed. Let’s see if we can get the average for each month. This means we ignore the age groups and genders.

a <- albertaUnemploymentRate

by1 <- a$When fby1 <- factor(by1,exclude = "") fby1 [1] 01/01/1976 01/01/1976 01/01/1976 01/01/1976 01/01/1976 01/01/1976 [7] 02/01/1976 02/01/1976 02/01/1976 02/01/1976 02/01/1976 02/01/1976 …

We drop columns AgeGroup and Sex:

aa <- a[,-2:-3] head(aa) When Alberta 1 01/01/1976 3.8 2 01/01/1976 5.2 3 01/01/1976 8.0 4 01/01/1976 8.1 5 01/01/1976 8.3 6 01/01/1976 4.3

Apply average to field Alberta grouped by column When:

aaa <- aggregate(aa$Alberta, by=list(fby1), FUN = "mean") head(aaa) Group.1 x 1 01/01/1976 6.283333 2 01/01/1977 6.566667 3 01/01/1978 6.283333 4 01/01/1979 5.600000 5 01/01/1980 5.833333 6 01/01/1981 5.350000

class(aaa) [1] "data.frame" ?names names(aaa) [1] "Group.1" "x"
names(aaa) <- c("Date","Alberta")

names(aaa) [1] "Date" "Alberta" head(aaa) Date Alberta 1 01/01/1976 6.283333 2 01/01/1977 6.566667 3 01/01/1978 6.283333 4 01/01/1979 5.600000 5 01/01/1980 5.833333 6 01/01/1981 5.350000

Now, we translate the Date column as actual dates:

str(aaa) 'data.frame': 480 obs. of 2 variables: $ Date : Factor w/ 480 levels "01/01/1976","01/01/1977",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ Alberta: num 6.28 6.57 6.28 5.6 5.83 ...

Well done!

Dates are still Factor. Let’s now convert them to real dates. Preserver aaa by work on a copy aaaa. aaaa <- aaa

str(aaaa) 'data.frame': 480 obs. of 2 variables: $ Date : Factor w/ 480 levels "01/01/1976","01/01/1977",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ Albeta: num 6.28 6.57 6.28 5.6 5.83 ... aaaa$Date <- strptime(aaaa$Date,"%m/%d/%Y") str(aaaa) 'data.frame': 480 obs. of 2 variables: $ Date : POSIXlt, format: "1976-01-01" "1977-01-01" ... $ Albeta: num 6.28 6.57 6.28 5.6 5.83 ...

The records as they are now:

head(aaaa) Date Albeta 1 1976-01-01 6.283333 2 1977-01-01 6.566667 3 1978-01-01 6.283333 4 1979-01-01 5.600000 5 1980-01-01 5.833333 6 1981-01-01 5.350000

The dates are not properly ordered. We need to sort the data frame by this column. We will put the good data in a new data frame, just in case.

alberta <- aaaa[order(aaaa$Date),] head(alberta) Date Albeta 1 1976-01-01 6.283333 41 1976-02-01 5.316667 81 1976-03-01 5.883333 121 1976-04-01 4.883333 161 1976-05-01 5.916667 201 1976-06-01 5.566667

Now the dates are properly sorted.

The field name Date rather gets in the way as Date also implies a Date object class. Let’s rename the columns as follows:

names(alberta) <- c("When","Alberta")

str(alberta) 'data.frame': 480 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : POSIXlt, format: "1976-01-01" "1976-02-01" ... $ Alberta: num 6.28 5.32 5.88 4.88 5.92 ...

We still have too much information. We only want data from 2006 to 2015 (ten years).

alberta1 <- subset(alberta,When >= as.POSIXlt("2006-01-01")) head(alberta1) When Alberta 31 2006-01-01 6.000000 71 2006-02-01 4.733333 111 2006-03-01 4.533333 151 2006-04-01 4.783333 191 2006-05-01 5.216667 231 2006-06-01 4.850000

tail(alberta1) When Alberta 280 2015-07-01 8.700000 320 2015-08-01 8.200000 360 2015-09-01 9.100000 400 2015-10-01 9.033333 440 2015-11-01 9.700000 480 2015-12-01 8.933333

Now we have 2006 to 2015 monthly data.

The time series plot of the unemployment data is shown below:

albertaTS <- ts(alberta1$Alberta,start=c(2006,1),frequency=12) plot.ts(albertaTS)

Download oil price data from For comparison with unemployment, we chose 2006 to 2015 as well.

oildata <- read.csv("DCOILWTICO.csv",header=T,

head(oildata) DATE VALUE 1 2000-01-01 27.26 2 2000-02-01 29.37 3 2000-03-01 29.84 4 2000-04-01 25.72 5 2000-05-01 28.79 6 2000-06-01 31.82

We just want to make sure we have the same Date field as unemployment for the oil price data

o <- oildata

str(o) 'data.frame': 192 obs. of 2 variables: $ DATE : chr "2000-01-01" "2000-02-01" "2000-03-01" "2000-04-01" ... $ VALUE: chr "27.26" "29.37" "29.84" "25.72" ... names(o) <- c("When","OilPrice") str(o) 'data.frame': 192 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : chr "2000-01-01" "2000-02-01" "2000-03-01" "2000-04-01" ... $ OilPrice: chr "27.26" "29.37" "29.84" "25.72" ... o$When <- strptime(o$When,"%Y-%m-%d") str(o) 'data.frame': 192 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : POSIXlt, format: "2000-01-01" "2000-02-01" ... $ OilPrice: chr "27.26" "29.37" "29.84" "25.72" ... str(alberta1) 'data.frame': 120 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : POSIXlt, format: "2006-01-01" "2006-02-01" ... $ Alberta: num 6 4.73 4.53 4.78 5.22 ...

oildata1 <- subset(o,(When >= as.POSIXlt("2006-01-01") & When <= as.POSIXlt("2015-12-01")))

str(oildata1) 'data.frame': 120 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : POSIXlt, format: "2006-01-01" "2006-02-01" ... $ OilPrice: chr "65.49" "61.63" "62.69" "69.44" ...

oo <- oildata1 oildata1$OilPrice <- as.numeric(oo$OilPrice) str(oildata1) 'data.frame': 120 obs. of 2 variables: $ When : POSIXlt, format: "2006-01-01" "2006-02-01" ... $ OilPrice: num 65.5 61.6 62.7 69.4 70.8 ...

Now we have both columns properly as dates and numbers.

Let’s plot the oil price data:

oildataTS <- ts(oildata1$OilPrice,start=c(2006,1),frequency=12) plot.ts(oildataTS)

Does oil price has influence on unemployment in Alberta?

Laying side by side they do not tell much.

So these series must be coexisting to mean something.


Let’s merge the two data frames as one for easier control.

ao <- cbind(oildata1,alberta)

head(ao) When OilPrice When Alberta 73 2006-01-01 65.49 2006-01-01 6.000000 74 2006-02-01 61.63 2006-02-01 4.733333 75 2006-03-01 62.69 2006-03-01 4.533333 76 2006-04-01 69.44 2006-04-01 4.783333 77 2006-05-01 70.84 2006-05-01 5.216667 78 2006-06-01 70.95 2006-06-01 4.850000


This looks identical to the last plot so all is well.

aoRegression <- lm(ao$Alberta~ao$OilPrice) str(aoRegression) List of 13 $ coefficients : Named num [1:119] 7.517 -1.5 0.883 -0.95 0.8 ... ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:119] "(Intercept)" "ao$OilPrice100.54" "ao$OilPrice100.80" "ao$OilPrice100.82" ... $ residuals : Named num [1:120] 6.30e-18 9.35e-19 4.40e-19 5.05e-19 9.09e-19 ... ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:120] "1" "2" "3" "4" ... $ effects : Named num [1:120] -77.78 -1.088 1.296 -0.534 1.219 ... ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:120] "(Intercept)" "ao$OilPrice100.54" "ao$OilPrice100.80" "ao$OilPrice100.82" ... $ rank : int 119 $ fitted.values: Named num [1:120] 6 4.73 4.53 4.78 5.22 ... ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:120] "1" "2" "3" "4" ... $ assign : int [1:119] 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ qr :List of 5 ..$ qr : num [1:120, 1:119] -10.9545 0.0913 0.0913 0.0913 0.0913 ... .. ..- attr(, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. .. ..$ : chr [1:120] "1" "2" "3" "4" ... .. .. ..$ : chr [1:119] "(Intercept)" "ao$OilPrice100.54" "ao$OilPrice100.80" "ao$OilPrice100.82" ... .. ..- attr(, "assign")= int [1:119] 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... .. ..- attr(, "contrasts")=List of 1 .. .. ..$ ao$OilPrice: chr "contr.treatment" ..$ qraux: num [1:119] 1.09 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ... ..$ pivot: int [1:119] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... ..$ tol : num 1e-07 ..$ rank : int 119 ..- attr(, "class")= chr "qr" $ df.residual : int 1 $ contrasts :List of 1 ..$ ao$OilPrice: chr "contr.treatment" $ xlevels :List of 1 ..$ ao$OilPrice: chr [1:119] "100.27" "100.54" "100.80" "100.82" ... $ call : language lm(formula = ao$Alberta ~ ao$OilPrice) $ terms :Classes 'terms', 'formula' length 3 ao$Alberta ~ ao$OilPrice .. ..- attr(, "variables")= language list(ao$Alberta, ao$OilPrice) .. ..- attr(, "factors")= int [1:2, 1] 0 1 .. .. ..- attr(, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "ao$Alberta" "ao$OilPrice" .. .. .. ..$ : chr "ao$OilPrice" .. ..- attr(, "term.labels")= chr "ao$OilPrice" .. ..- attr(, "order")= int 1 .. ..- attr(, "intercept")= int 1 .. ..- attr(, "response")= int 1 .. ..- attr(, ".Environment")=<environment: R_GlobalEnv> .. ..- attr(, "predvars")= language list(ao$Alberta, ao$OilPrice) .. ..- attr(, "dataClasses")= Named chr [1:2] "numeric" "character" .. .. ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:2] "ao$Alberta" "ao$OilPrice" $ model :'data.frame': 120 obs. of 2 variables: ..$ ao$Alberta : num [1:120] 6 4.73 4.53 4.78 5.22 ... ..$ ao$OilPrice: chr [1:120] "65.49" "61.63" "62.69" "69.44" ... ..- attr(, "terms")=Classes 'terms', 'formula' length 3 ao$Alberta ~ ao$OilPrice .. .. ..- attr(, "variables")= language list(ao$Alberta, ao$OilPrice) .. .. ..- attr(, "factors")= int [1:2, 1] 0 1 .. .. .. ..- attr(, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "ao$Alberta" "ao$OilPrice" .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr "ao$OilPrice" .. .. ..- attr(, "term.labels")= chr "ao$OilPrice" .. .. ..- attr(, "order")= int 1 .. .. ..- attr(, "intercept")= int 1 .. .. ..- attr(, "response")= int 1 .. .. ..- attr(, ".Environment")=<environment: R_GlobalEnv> .. .. ..- attr(, "predvars")= language list(ao$Alberta, ao$OilPrice) .. .. ..- attr(, "dataClasses")= Named chr [1:2] "numeric" "character" .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "ao$Alberta" "ao$OilPrice"

  • attr(*, "class")= chr "lm"

plot(ao$OilPrice,ao$Alberta) abline(aoRegression)

We can interpret that oil price has impact on unemployment rate: Unemployment Rate is higher when oil price drops.