Scheduling API Interactions - adamacrown1/schedulingAPI GitHub Wiki


The following document provides a developer an overview of how to interact with the Ignite FHIR APIs, and specifically Scheduling (GET /Slot, POST /Appointment, and GET /Appointment).


  • It is assumed access to the API has already been ascertained.
  • Developer has downloaded Postman.


For our use case, we have interest as an external application developer to:

  1. Identify open schedule slots for a specific provider, and slot type
  2. Book an appointment on behalf of a consumer
  3. Review that we've successfully booked the appointment

Test Environment Variables

In our test environment, we will use the following variables to interact with the API:

  • Patient Name: Wilma Smart
  • Patient ID: 4342008
  • Slot Type: General Medicine
  • Slot Type Coding:
  • Slot Type Code: 394581000
  • Practitioner Name: Carter, Kristen Cerner
  • Practitioner ID: 605926

Identifying an Open Schedule

We must first identify the schedules that are open so that we can book on behalf of our consumer user. We can search by:

  • Slot Type
  • Schedule Actor
  • Location
  • Start

As an example API call, structured to search the FHIR endpoint by a specific Slot Type, a Start year, and with a specific Practitioner, I will return all applicable, open slots that can be booked. https://{{endpoint}}.{{environment}}.com/dstu2/{{tenantId}}/Slot?slot-type={{slotType}}&start={{year}}&_count=20&{{practitionerId}}

In my example, against the FHIR test environment, this is my resulting API call:

The API yields the following result, one of many open slots:

"entry": [{
        "fullUrl": "",
        "resource": {
            "resourceType": "Slot",
            "id": "5038373-4048296-7731127-330",
            "meta": {
                "versionId": "0",
                "lastUpdated": "2019-03-04T22:07:30.000Z"
            "text": {
                "status": "generated",
                "div": "<div><p><b>Slot</b></p><p><b>Type</b>: Office Visit - Follow Up</p><p><b>Start</b>: Jan  7, 2020  7:30 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>End</b>: Jan  7, 2020  8:00 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>Status</b>: Free</p></div>"
            "extension": [{
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Location/4048296"
            "type": {
                "coding": [{
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "408443003",
                        "display": "General medical practice",
                        "userSelected": false
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "5038373",
                        "display": "Office Visit - Follow Up",
                        "userSelected": true
                "text": "Office Visit - Follow Up"
            "schedule": {
                "reference": "Schedule/5038373-4048296-7731127-330"
            "freeBusyType": "free",
            "start": "2020-01-07T19:30:00.000Z",
            "end": "2020-01-07T20:00:00.000Z"
        "search": {
            "mode": "match"

The most critical element in this response, is the value: 5038373-4048296-7731127-330. It is the primary identifier used when booking the appointment, against the POST /Appointment resource.

Scheduling an Appointment

Now that we've identified an open slot, 5038373-4048296-7731127-330, let's book.

API Request

Our API request will look like the following:

  • POST https://{{endpoint}}.{{environment}}.com/dstu2/{{tenantId}}/Appointment/

In this specific example, against the test environment:

  • POST

Our API request headers will follow what is found at For posterity:

  • Authorization:
  • Accept: application/json+fhir
  • Content-Type: application/json+fhir

API Payload

Let's compose our POST /Appointment payload. A few key variables to build:

  • Appointment.slot.reference: Slot/{{slotId}}
  • Patient/{{patientId}}
  • {{patientFamilyName}}, {{patientGivenName}}

Our body of the POST will look as such:

  "resourceType": "Appointment",
  "slot": [
      "reference": "Slot/5038373-4048296-7731127-330"
  "participant": [
      "actor": {
        "reference": "Patient/4342008",
        "display": "Smart, Wilma"
      "status": "needs-action"
  "status": "proposed"
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