Datasets - acwooding/dimension_reduction GitHub Wiki


Time to run

  • PCA
  • MDS
  • tSNE
  • Isomap
  • UMAP

with default settings altogether takes

  • Digits: 2 minutes
  • COIL-20: 8 minutes
  • Frey faces: 4 minutes
  • HIVA: 17 minutes
  • LVQ-PAK Phoneme Dataset: 15 minutes as a frame of reference.
  • MNIST and f-MNIST are too big to run MDS on a local machine (pairwise distances).


From MPH2009

  • Swiss roll
  • Helix
  • Twin peaks
  • Broken Swiss roll
  • High-dimensional Here's the matlab code used to generate the datasets
    function [X, labels, t] = generate_data(dataname, n, noise)
    %GENERATE_DATA Generates an artificial dataset (manifold)
    %	[X, labels, t] = generate_data(dataname, n, noise)
    % Generates an artificial dataset. Possible datasets are: 'swiss' for the Swiss roll
    % dataset, 'helix' for the helix dataset, 'twinpeaks' for the twinpeaks dataset,
    % '3d_clusters' for the 3D clusters dataset, and 'intersect' for the intersecting
    % dataset. The variable n indicates the number of datapoints to generate 
    % (default = 1000). The variable noise indicates the amount of noise that
    % is added to the data (default = 0.05). The function returns the
    % high-dimensional dataset in X, and corresponding labels in labels. In
    % addition, the function returns the coordinates of the datapoints on the
    % underlying manifold in t.
    % This file is part of the Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction.
    % The toolbox can be obtained from
    % You are free to use, change, or redistribute this code in any way you
    % want for non-commercial purposes. However, it is appreciated if you 
    % maintain the name of the original author.
    % (C) Laurens van der Maaten, Delft University of Technology
    	if ~exist('n', 'var')
    		n = 1000;
        if ~exist('noise', 'var')
            noise = 0.05;
    	switch dataname
            case 'swiss'
                t = (3 * pi / 2) * (1 + 2 * rand(n, 1));  
                height = 30 * rand(n, 1);
                X = [t .* cos(t) height t .* sin(t)] + noise * randn(n, 3);
                %labels = uint8(t);
                labels = rem(sum([round(t / 2) round(height / 12)], 2), 2);
                t = [t height];
            case 'brokenswiss'
                t = [(3 * pi / 2) * (1 + 2 * rand(ceil(n / 2), 1) * .4); (3 * pi / 2) * (1 + 2 * (rand(floor(n / 2), 1) * .4 + .6))];  
                height = 30 * rand(n, 1);
                X = [t .* cos(t) height t .* sin(t)] + noise * randn(n, 3);
                labels = uint8(t);
                %labels = rem(sum([round(t / 2) round(height / 12)], 2), 2);
                t = [t height];
            case 'changing_swiss'
                r = zeros(1, n);
                for i=1:n
                    pass = 0;
                    while ~pass
                        rr = rand(1);
                        if rand(1) > rr
                            r(i) = rr;
                            pass = 1;
                t = (3 * pi / 2) * (1 + 2 * r);  
                height = 21 * rand(1, n);
                X = [t .* cos(t); height; t .* sin(t)]' + noise * randn(n, 3);
                %labels = uint8(t)';
                labels = rem(sum([round(t / 2); round(height / 10)], 1), 2)';
            case 'helix'
            	t = [1:n]' / n;
            	t = t .^ (1.0) * 2 * pi;
    			X = [(2 + cos(8 * t)) .* cos(t) (2 + cos(8 * t)) .* sin(t) sin(8 * t)] + noise * randn(n, 3);
            	%labels = uint8(t);
                labels = rem(round(t * 1.5), 2);
            case 'twinpeaks'
                inc = 1.5 / sqrt(n);
                [xx2, yy2] = meshgrid(-1:inc:1);
                xy = 1 - 2 * rand(2, n);
                X = [xy; sin(pi * xy(1,:)) .* tanh(3 * xy(2,:))]' + noise * randn(n, 3);
                X(:,3) = X(:,3) * 10;
                t = xy';
                %labels = uint8(X(:,3));
                labels = rem(sum(round((X + repmat(min(X, [], 1), [size(X, 1) 1])) ./ 10), 2), 2);
            case '3d_clusters'
                numClusters = 5;
                centers = 10 * rand(numClusters, 3);
                D = L2_distance(centers', centers');
                minDistance = min(D(D > 0));
                k = 1;
                n2 = n - (numClusters - 1) * 9;
                X = repmat(0, [n 3]);
                labels = repmat(0, [n 1]);
                for i=1:numClusters
                    for j=1:ceil(n2 / numClusters)
                       X(k, 1:3) = centers(i, 1:3) + (rand(1, 3) - 0.5) * minDistance / sqrt(12);
                       labels(k) = i;
                       k = k + 1;
                X = X + noise * randn(size(X, 1), 3);
                t = [];
            case 'intersect'
                t = [1:n]' ./ n .* (2 * pi);
                x = cos(t);
                y = sin(t);
                height = rand(length(x), 1) * 5;
                X = [x x .* y height] + noise * randn(n, 3);
                %labels = uint8(5 * t);
                labels = rem(sum([round(t / 2) round(height / 2)], 2), 2);
            case 'difficult'            
                % Generate underlying manifold
                no_dims = 5;
                no_points_per_dim = round(n ^ (1 / no_dims));
                l = linspace(0, 1, no_points_per_dim);
                t = combn(l, no_dims);
                % Generate high-dimensional dataset
                X = [cos(t(:,1)) tanh(3 * t(:,2)) t(:,1) + t(:,3) t(:,4) .* sin(t(:,2)) sin(t(:,1) + t(:,5)) t(:,5) .* cos(t(:,2)) t(:,5) + t(:,4) t(:,2) t(:,3) .* t(:,4) t(:,1)];
                X = X + noise * randn(size(X));
                % Generate labels for dataset (2x2x2x2x2 checkerboard pattern)
                tt = 1 + round(t);
                labels = rem(sum(tt, 2), 2);
    			error('Unknown dataset name.');