RepoMaker - acutec-ldawson/Acu-Git GitHub Wiki

RepoMaker is a class that I developed that utilizes LibGit2Sharp to quickly create and initialize git repositories.

string Root

(Default is null) the directory that will be made into a repository, or where the repositories will be made.

bool IncludeSubs

(Default is false) if true it will create repositories in all folders under the root path.

bool SingleDirectory

(Default is false) make the root directory into a repository

bool Overwrite

(Default is true) will delete pre-existing Git repositories

bool SetDefaultIgnore

(Default is true) will create a default .gitignore file that ignores (.db, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .tmp)


public RepoMaker(string _rootpath, bool _override = true, bool _setDefaultIgnore = true)


void Run()

Description: Simply executes the RepoMaker


RepoMaker repomaker = new RepoMaker(path, includeSubs, includeTop,overwrite, defIgnore);