Search lower bound parameter - acumenbrands/rest_suite GitHub Wiki

Currently the lower_bound option is part of a code block that adds an extra filter to your filters that checks if internalIdNumber is greater than lower_bound.

It is automatically increased internally as part of the while loop, starting from what you set it and increasing with each page size of 1000.

It can be made optional if not needed with this patch/pull request:

Searcher.prototype.generateLowerBoundFilter = function() {
  searchFilterData = {};
  searchFilterData[this.SEARCH_FILTER_NAME_KEY]     = 'internalidnumber';
  searchFilterData[this.SEARCH_FILTER_OPERATOR_KEY] = 'greaterthan';
  searchFilterData[this.SEARCH_FILTER_VALUE_KEY]    = this.lowerBound;
  searchFilterData[this.SEARCH_FILTER_JOIN_KEY]     = null;

  lowerBoundFilterObject = this.getSearchFilterObject(searchFilterData)
  this.searchFilters[this.lowerBoundFilterIndex] = lowerBoundFilterObject;