TextsPolish - activityworkshop/GpsPrune GitHub Wiki

Polish texts for GpsPrune

As an experiment we’ll try with a selection of the missing Polish translations, to see if there’s any more interest than on Sourceforge.

Missing translations


*Key* Description English Polish
function.pastecoordinatelist Create a series of points by entering coordinates (like a text file) Enter list of coordinates
function.enterpluscode Enter pluscodes, also known as Open Location Codes Enter pluscode
function.searchosmpois Lookup OSM points nearby (eg bus stops, restaurants) Get nearby OSM points
function.projectpoint Project the current point with bearing and distance, to create a new point Project point


*Key* Description English Polish
dialog.openoptions.vspeed.intro Optional description before the two radio buttons
dialog.osmpois.column.type Column heading: point type Type
dialog.osmpois.nonefound Message when no points returned from OSM No points found
dialog.pastecoordinatelist.desc Enter the coordinates for the new points with one point per line
dialog.pluscode.desc Explanation Enter or paste the pluscode here
dialog.pluscode.code Label for code entry box Pluscode
dialog.pluscode.nothingfound Error message when code couldn’t be parsed Please check the code and try again
dialog.displaysettings.waypointicons Label for selecting which waypoint icon to use Waypoint icons
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.default Label for default waypoint rendering, little square Default
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ringpt Circular marker with a pin at the bottom Round marker
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.plectrum Egg-shaped marker with the pointy bit at the bottom Plectrum
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.ring Circular ring around the point Ring
dialog.displaysettings.wpicon.pin Push pin / thumb tack Board pin
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle Which of the two “look-and-feel”s to use Window style (requires restart)
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.default Normal style as before Default
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.nimbus Nimbus
dialog.displaysettings.windowstyle.gtk May not be available everywhere GTK
dialog.settimezone.intro Label at top of timezone dialog Here you can select the timezone in which to display point timestamps
dialog.settimezone.system Radio button to use default Use system timezone
dialog.settimezone.custom Radio button to select a different timezone Use the following timezone:
dialog.settimezone.list.toomany Shown in list when too many options are found Too many to choose
dialog.settimezone.offsetfromutc How many hours +/- this timezone is from UTC Offset from UTC
dialog.markers.halves Radio button for creating marker waypoints at half distance etc Halfway points
dialog.markers.half.distance Name of created waypoint Half distance
dialog.markers.half.climb Name of created waypoint Half climb
dialog.markers.half.descent Name of created waypoint Half descent
dialog.projectpoint.desc Intro to point projection dialog Enter the direction and distance to project this point
dialog.projectpoint.bearing Angle clockwise from North Bearing (degrees from N)

Field names

*Key* Description English Polish
fieldname.coordinates Both latitude and longitude together Coordinates
fieldname.comment cmt field from gpx Comment

Error messages

*Key* Description English Polish
error.load.nopointsintext Pasted text not valid No coordinate information found
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