Corkboard Sample - acstech/corkboard-sample GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the corkboard-sample wiki!

This repository is the home of the sample front-end for the ACS Technologies Corkboard project. This code consumes our marketplace microservice API, Corkboard.

Our front-end utilizes the awesome Vue.js framework to showcase our API's different features. To learn more about the wonders of Vue.js, check out their documentation.

Installation of the Project

The Corkboard Sample project should be cloned into your {user}/git/ directory.

Initial Build Setup

The front-end uses the webpack scaffolding for bundling project files. The following commands will get the application ready for both development and production environments.

Be sure to have node version >= 4.0.0 and npm version >=3.0.0 installed on your machine prior to following these installation steps. If you do not have Node.js, you can download it here.

NOTE: This will only prepare the front-end. Check our API docs for its setup process. Once you have both the back-end and front-end setup completed, you should be good to go!

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8081
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

The front-end local server is set to port 8081 and has its local server proxy to our API set to 8080 to prevent conflicts. You are welcome to change either port configuration, just make sure they are not the same.

Reminder: Make sure the API is properly set up and running before starting the front-end development server!