Creating a User Build Configuration - acquaman/acquaman GitHub Wiki

By default acquaman is configured to build in the environment of SL5.4 OPIs at the CLS. To build elsewhere a user configuration file will need to be created, and placed within the root acquaman folder eg.(/home/code/acquaman). This file must be called AMBuildConfig.pri.

NOTE: This file should be added to the user's .gitignore file, to prevent the user pushing their individual config up to origin.

Available Configuration Options

This file may contain any of the following options. If a given option is not present within the file its default value will be used.

Option Description Type Default Value
AM_ENABLE_BOUNDS_CHECKING Dictates whether AMAnalysisBlocks should run code to check their bounds 1 or 0 1 (on)
CDF_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where the CDF includes can be found List /home/beamline/tools/cdf/include
CDF_LIB_DIR Directory in which the CDF libraries can be found String /home/beamline/tools/cdf/lib
EPICS_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where the EPICS includes can be found List /home/epics/src/R3.14.12/base/include /home/epics/src/R3.14.12/base/include/os/Linux
EPICS_LIB_DIR Directory in which the EPICS libraries can be found String /home/epics/src/R3.14.12/base/lib/linux-x86_64
GSL_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where the GSL includes can be found List /home/beamline/tools/gsl/gsl-1.14-install/include
GSL_LIB_DIR Directory in which the GSL libraries can be found String /home/beamline/tools/gsl/gsl-1.14-install/lib
USE_MOBILITY_QT Whether to include classes which require Qt Mobility 1 or 0 0 (off)
MOBILITY_QT_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where Qt Mobility includes can be found List Empty
MOBILITY_QT_LIB_DIR Directory in which the Qt Mobility libraries can be found String Empty
MPLOT_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where MPlot includes can be found List $$PATH_TO_AM/../MPlot/include
MPLOT_LIB_DIR Directory in which the MPlot libraries can be found String $$PATH_TO_AM/../MPlot/lib
EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR List of include directories where Eigen includes can be found List $$PATH_TO_AM/source/Eigen