Beamline Deployment - acquaman/acquaman GitHub Wiki

Deploying on the Beamline

Regardless of where development is done for a beamline application, we need to have a common place and manner for deploying. There are two tools clsMake and clsDeploy designed to help with this.

  1. From the command line navigate to your acquaman directory:
  • cd ~/beamline/programming/acquaman
  1. If this is your first time using clsMake or clsDeploy you'll have to build the program, so make sure to have the right version of qmake in use
  • qmake --version (should come back as 2.01a or something like that, certainly not 1.07a)
  • If you have the wrong qmake, use the command `source /home/beamline/tools/qt/startup/'
  • qmake
  • make
  • You'll only need to do these steps the first time you use clsMake or clsDeploy or when the program is updated (which will likely not be often)
  1. Either make or deploy
  • ./clsMake (this will make your project in place and place the executable in ~/beamline/programming/acquaman/build/)
  • ./clsDeploy (this will test your git repository to make sure that you don't have any uncommitted changes before doing a clsMake)
  • clsMake will clear the AMBuildReporter information to give you "invalid" for all of the fields (you aren't deploying right now)
  • clsDeploy will build AMBuildReporter with your current git repository information built right into Acquaman

As a note, both clsMake and clsDeploy will make sure to use the right version of qmake. You can also expect a long build time the first time, as you're basically building from scratch if you're using QtCreator and a shadow build directory.