Getting Started - acm-sfsu/ GitHub Wiki

##Unix See readme's dependency section.

If using pelican-plugins/github_activity will need feedparser. Get with pip install feedparser.

If using pelican-plugins/share_post need beautifulsoup4. Get with pip install beautifulsoup4.

If working on theme's CSS, will need Sass. Get with gem install sass.

When the pelican-plugins/liquid_tags plugin is in use, you'll need an ipython greater than 1.0. pip install ipython[all]

##Windows Using Git Bash, Github for Windows, or Cygwin, follow the steps at the top of the readme.

For example, if you selected in Github for Windows to use PowerShell as the Default Shell, then you can navigate to the cloned repo, click open this repo, and in the upper-right corner click the gears, and then click Open a shell here. Windows PowerShell will then open.

I tested the cloning of the theme step and it worked fine with the regular git command. You'll notice that Windows has a bit of a different directory structure, but fortunately PowerShell is a-okay with you typing it Unix-like.

If the git command is not found using PowerShell (or other), you will need to add a git alias or add %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\cmd (or %ProgramFiles%\Git\cmd if you're still on 32-bit) to your PATH environment variable. So System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables. Then under System variables edit PATH and add ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd to the end. If you get a WARNING: terminal is not fully functional, add a System variable called TERM and set it to msys. For better git (i.e. auto-completion and such), you may also like posh-git, or Pshazz.

At this point you can contribute a lot with just using a typical text editor!

Depending on your text editor, the EOL may be changed from Unix to Windows style automatically. For example, I think Notepad++ doesnt change EOL, while Sublime Text does by default. You can check your current setting with git config core.autocrlf, and change it with git config --global core.autocrlf false or input or true. It is up to you whether automatic transformations are an issue. See link.

###Python I'll need help from other people running with different setups to chime in here, Im running Windows 8.1 and installing Python 3.4.0.

In the customize section of the install, I also clicked Add python.exe to Path:

Prepend: C:\Python34\ to the system Path variable. This allows you to type python into a command prompt without needing the full path.

Testing this statement that can now just type python:

  • CMD: works
  • PowerShell: works
  • Git Bash: works
  • Python (command line) is also now installed so you can of course use that too now.

###PIP If running Python 3.4 then pip is already installed (link) at C:\Python34\Scripts\pip3.exe. I confirmed this.

However, if you need to download this, you can run the (get-pip) python script to get it.

###Pelican pip install pelican


  • Markdown pip install markdown
  • Feedparser pip install feedparser
  • Beautiful Soup pip install beautifulsoup4
  • Python Imaging Library (Pillow) pip install Pillow
  • Ipython pip install ipython[all]

For the moment, comment out EXTRA_HEADER in

Now type pelican and the site will be generated in the output folder by default.

Open in browser of choice start firefox.exe .\output\index.html (substitute chrome.exe for Google Chrome)