Release version numbers - acl2/acl2 GitHub Wiki


Version numbers for the Books Repository that correspond with each release of ACL2. The numbers currently correspond ot commits in the googlecode acl2-books repository. They will correspond to tags or hashes in the github repository, starting with ACL2 version 7.0.


Version 6.5 of ACL2 corresponds to r2915 (in the 6.5/ branch)

Version 6.5 of ACL2 corresponds to r2915 (in the 6.5/ branch)

Version 6.4 of ACL2 corresponds to r2407 (in the 6.4/ branch)

Version 6.3 of ACL2 corresponds to r2094.

Version 6.2 of ACL2 corresponds to r1835.

Version 6.1 of ACL2 corresponds to r1542.

Version 6.0 of ACL2 corresponds to r1408.

Version 5.0 of ACL2 corresponds to r1206.

Version 4.3 of ACL2 corresponds to r819.

Version 4.2 of ACL2 corresponds to svn revision r666.

Version 4.1 of ACL2 corresponds to svn revision r578.

Version 4.0 of ACL2 corresponds to svn revision r544.

Some older versions are discussed below.


The following alphabetical list of books and directories describes additions to ACL2 Version 3.6.1 (made after the release of ACL2 Version 3.6). For changes to existing books rather than additions, see the log entries (follow the Source link) starting with revision 329 up through revision 350.

##List of Books

books/clause-processors/nvalues-thms.lisp: Clause-processor that can help prove theorems saying that a function returns a certain number of values

books/tools/defevaluator-fast.lisp: Provides a macro much like defevaluator, but much faster when the number of functions to be recognized is large


The following alphabetical list of books and directories describes additions to ACL2 Version 3.6 (made after the release of ACL2 Version 3.5). For changes to existing books rather than additions, see the log entries (follow the Source link) starting with revision r286 up through revision r329.

###List of Books Part of an experimental build system that is not yet intended, for example, to be capable of running the whole regression

defsort/remove-dups.lisp: Minor addition of a duplicate-removing function to defsort

fix-cert/: After moving books from one place to another in a filesystem, use this library to update the .cert files accordingly without costly recertification.

hacking/dynamic-make-event.lisp: Low-level support for system hacking; see comment near top of file. New, related files: hacking/dynamic-make-event-test.acl2, hacking/dynamic-make-event-test.lisp, and hacking/dynamic-make-event.acl2.

misc/seqw.lisp: New SEQW macro is like seq (see misc/seq.lisp), but collects warnings. See also new, related file misc/seqw-examples.lsp.

serialize/: Optimized routines for Serializing ACL2 objects (for any host Lisp other than GCL). Quoting the :doc: "We implement some routines for writing arbitrary ACL2 objects to files, and for loading those files later."

tools/with-quoted-forms.lisp: Useful for computing large :USE hints; see comment at top of file.

unicode/two-nats-measure.lisp: Lexicographic order measure for pairs of natural numbers


The following alphabetical list of books and directories describes changes since the release of ACL2 Version 3.4, before the release of ACL2 Version 3.5.

Other changes to Version 3.5 since Version 3.4: (1) Files that are not to be certified and had .lisp suffixes now generally have .lsp suffixes; and (2) Many cert.lsp and certify.lsp files have been removed.

###List of Books

add-ons/hash-stobjs.lisp: Experimental book which allows stobjs to contain hash table members. Requires a trust tag since it redefines ACL2 system functions.

arithmetic-5/: Replacement for (and improvement on) arithmetic-4/.


Introduces computed hints useful for proving local properties of a cons tree by systematically structurally decomposing it.

clause-processors/equality.lisp: NOT NEW, but no longer requires a ttag to use.

clause-processors/generalize.lisp: Provides a generalization clause processor.

clause-processors/join-thms.lisp: Contains a macro which introduces rules about an evaluator and conjoin and disjoin; useful for verifying clause processors.

clause-processors/generalize.lisp: Defines a verified clause processor which replaces certain terms with fresh variables. Also contains useful functions for creating fresh variables.

clause-processors/multi-env-trick.lisp: Introduces a trick that can be useful for proving clause processors correct when the variables in the clauses produced have complicated binding relationships with the original clause.

clause-processors/null-fail-hints.lisp: Introduces keyword hints :null, which does nothing, and :fail, which causes the proof to fail. These are probably not as good as :no-op and :error, which are built into ACL2.

clause-processors/replace-defined-consts.lisp: Introduces a computed hint that replaces defined constants (see tools/defined-const.lisp) with their definitions.

clause-processors/replace-impl.lisp: Introduces a clause processor that replaces a hyp with something implied by that hyp.

clause-processors/use-by-hint.lisp: Introduces a computed hint to apply a particular :by hint as signalled by a logically meaningless hyp placed in the clause, so that a clause processor can produce clauses that are copies of statements of existing theorems.

coi/: The coi books comprise a "shelf" of ACL2 books related to the modeling of "computational objects" such as processors, memories, kernels, microcode, and so on.

defsort/: Defines a stable sort when given a comparison function.

hacking/evalable-ld-printing.lisp: Print LD results in "evalable" way.

hons-archive/: Implements Hons Archives (HARs), which are a way to write ACL2 objects to disk so they can be loaded in other ACL2 sessions.

make-event/ REMOVALS: embedded-defaxioms/, embedded-defaxioms.{acl2,lisp}

make-event/defmac.lisp: Alternative to defmacro that can be more efficient for macro expansion.

make-event/make-redundant.lisp: Defines a simple make-event which submits a redundant copy of a defthm/defun/defmacro event. The practical use of this is for cases where in a book or encapsulate context, an encapsulate exports some events that should be book-local and some that should not.

make-event/require-book.lisp: Provides a way of specifying that a book should be included when using a book but is not needed for certification.

misc/evalable-printing.lisp: Implements a "beginner-friendly" way of printing objects such that evaluating the printed result gives that same result. See also ../hacking/evalable-ld-printing.lisp, which prints LD results in "evalable" way, as provided by "evalable-printing" book.

misc/fast-coerce.lisp: A replacement for coerce, which speeds up (coerce x 'list).

misc/invariants.lisp: Tries to prove lemmas stating that if a certain property is true of the arguments to a function, that property will be true of the arguments to all its recursive calls.

misc/misc2/ruler-extender-tests.lisp Tests of the new ruler-extenders feature.

misc/simplify-thm.lisp: A simple event generator which breaks a term thought to be a theorem into some number of theorems of a form where none of the hyps nor the conclusion contain IFs. Someone may wish to extend this with rule-classes and other more flexible options.

misc/trace1.lisp: Alternate implementation of tracing.

misc/trace-star.lisp: A beginner-friendly variant of trace$. Features "evalable" printing, provided by "evalable-printing" book, and other modifications.

regex/: An ACL2 regular expression library aiming for feature parity with grep.

rtl/rel8/: Replacement for (and probably improvement on) rtl/rel7/.

security/: Provides a place to store work related to security protocol verification.

security/jfkr: A model for key-establishment security protocol JFKr. Also contains a cryptography library that models "perfect cryptography" and a Diffie-Helman implementation.

tools/defined-const: Utility which, when using the HONS system, can define a constant to be the result of some expensive computation and prove a theorem that the constant equals the original term, while only running the computation once. Requires running the computation twice if not using the HONS system. Also see clause-processors/replace-defined-consts.lisp.

tools/flag.lisp: Make-event that defines a "flag function" that provides an induction scheme appropriate for use with a mutually-recursive clique, and also defines a macro useful for proving theorems about functions in the clique.

tools/mv-nth.lisp: Provides a :meta rule to open MV-NTH occurrences, and disables MV-NTH so that you see (MV-NTH 0 ...) rather than (CAR ...).

tools/rulesets.lisp: Provides tools for defining and modifying rulesets, which are similar in spirit to defined theories but can be modified once defined.

tools/safe-case.lisp: A drop-in replacement for case, and is logically identical to case. The only difference is during execution. When case is used and none of the cases match, the answer is nil. But when safe-case is used and none of the cases match, the result is an error.

tools/saved-errors.lisp Provides a mechanism for running a series of generated events and printing a useful error message when one of them fails.

tools/stobj-help.lisp: Provides a make-event which proves some useful rules about a stobj, such as type theorems, access/update rewrite rules, etc.

tools/with-arith5-help: Utility which locally loads the arithmetic-5 books, but disables the rules it introduces. Provides macros which can enable these rules when they are needed.

unicode/: Added books prefixp.lisp, read-file-objects.lisp, and rev.lisp, and removed books utf8-decode-string.lisp and utf8.lisp.

workshops/2009/: Supporting books for the 2009 ACL2 Workshop.