Making a release tag - acl2/acl2 GitHub Wiki

Here is how Rager created a tag for 8.3:

cd <any acl2 clone>
git checkout 4f18d3bb3fd89b45f1789f4f13c39f4db2551c28
git tag -a 8.3 -m "ACL2 Version 8.3 release tag"

Check my work

git tag

Push result

git push origin 8.3

Here is how Rager created a tag for v7.2:

cd <clean acl2 clone>

Checkout the checksum associated with the release

git checkout a12f619371efea2a64684d0432f1eff6b1afb7ef

build it and make sure the experimental note isn't there

<make acl2>; bash; ACL2_CUSTOMIZATION=NONE ./ccl-saved_acl2
git tag -a v7.2 -m "ACL2 Version 7.2 release tag"

check my work

git show v7.2
git push origin v7.2
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️