Convention for relocating books - acl2/acl2 GitHub Wiki

  • git mv (or git cp?) the old books to the new location
  • Create a new version (or modify the old version?) of the old book[s] with the following:
(in-package "ACL2")

;; The following line marks this book as a relocation stub:
;; cert_param: (reloc_stub)
(include-book "new/location/of/this/book" :dir :system)
  • Build the regression suite and update the files flagged as including the old version to use the new version. Keyboard macros and svn diff are your friend.

  • After the stubs (generated in the second step) have been in a minor release of ACL2 (e.g., going from ACL2 6.1 to 6.2), remove them from the repository.

For an example of a move, see the following three commits:

For the history of how we arrived at this procedure, see:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️