PROFILE.Account.en - acanas/swad-core GitHub Wiki

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User account

If you are not logged in, the PROFILE > Account option allows you to create a new account.

If you are logged in, the PROFILE > Account option displays and allows you to edit the basic information of your user's account:

  • Password
  • Nickname
  • Email
  • ID (identity number/DNI/cédula/passport...)


If you want to change your password, click on the link Change password inside PROFILE > Account.


The PROFILE > Account option displays a list with the following rows to edit your nickname:

  • Current nickname: <your nickname>
  • Other nicknames: <another nickname 1> <another nickname 2> ...
    • Next to each of the nicknames there is a Remove icon (red cross) to remove that nickname and a Use this nickname button to set that nickname as the main one.
  • New nickname: form to add a new nickname
    • You can type a new nickname and click on the Change nickname button

It is mandatory to indicate at least one nickname. The nickname is unique, there can not be two users with the same nickname.


The PROFILE > Account option displays a list with the following rows to edit your email:

  • Current email: <your email address>
  • Other emails: <another email address 1> <another email address 2> ...
    • Next to each of the email addresses there is a Remove icon (red cross) to remove that email address and either a Confirm email button to confirm your main email address (if not yet confirmed) or a Use this email button to set that email address as the main one.
  • New email: form to add a new email address
    • You can type a new email address and click on the Change email button

It is mandatory to indicate at least one valid email address. The email address is unique, there can not be two users with the same email address.

There are several reasons why it is very important to confirm your email address:

  • to be able to receive notifications by mail
  • to be able to get a new password if you forget yours
  • to prevent another user from setting your email in his/her account

Whenever you click on Confirm email, Use this email or Change email buttons, the platform tries to send an email to that address to confirm it. If the email address is correct, you should receive a new email message. You should then check your inbox and click on the link you received.


The PROFILE > Account option displays a list with the following rows to edit your IDs:

  • ID (identity number/passport): <your ID 1> <your ID 2>
    • Up to 3 IDs allowed
    • Next to each of the IDs there is a Remove icon (red cross) to remove that ID.
  • Another ID: form to add a new ID (up to 3 IDs allowed)
    • You can type a new ID and click on the Add this ID button

Please fill in your IDs. It is an optional data, but it is recommended that you fill it because it facilitates:

  • registration process of users in courses
    • Some teachers often enrol students in their courses using a list of IDs.
  • consulting marks
    • A student will only be able to check his/her individualized marks in FILES > Marks if he/she have filled in his/her ID and a teacher has confirmed that ID.

If there are multiple versions of your ID (eg. with or without letter at the end), please write out all versions.

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