MIDIMessage - abudaan/JazzMIDIBridge GitHub Wiki


The first byte of the MIDI message is the status byte; the lower 4 bits of the status byte is the channel, the higher 4 bits of the status byte is the command, e.g. NOTE ON, NOTE OFF, PROGRAM CHANGE, etc.


The second byte is the note number in case the command is NOTE ON or NOTE OFF. This byte represents other data dependent on the command, for instance if the command is PROGRAM CHANGE, data1 is the program number.


The third byte is the velocity of the note in case the command is NOTE ON or NOTE OFF. If the command is CONTROL CHANGE data1 is the controller number and data2 is the value that the controller gets set to.


The MIDI channel that this message uses.


Value in milliseconds, it represents the 'uptime' of the Jazz plugin.


Utility method, prints out the MIDI message, something like:

command:NOTE ON channel:0 data1:48 data2:71 timestamp:1434
command:NOTE OFF channel:0 data1:48 data2:64 timestamp:1869