Setup to Run My HW Assignments - abowns/AnticsAI GitHub Wiki


This repository is a sample of my schoolwork from this fall semester. Through my semester, I have implemented different AI agent algorithms (TD-learning, DFS, BFS, Neural Networking, Minimax, genetic algorithm) to play as a computer player for the same game of ANTICS. I have several example branches up, where each branch is a different assignment that I have implemented during this course. This wiki covers the basic setup you will need to run any assignment.

First follow the Prerequesites section, after you have the proper environment setup, simply follow my Running The Game section of the wiki.


In order to run any game, please download python 2.7.10. Also download pygame. It is an open source software that allows you to run the game of "Antics". You can find a version at NOTE: The installation of pygame onto a Mac OSx system is not robust, on my Mac I had to follow the 'homebrew install instructions' link and install it from my terminal window. Lastly clone the master branch, it has all of the different AI agents compiled into a single folder so you can play them all from the same ANTICS game.


Run the file '' with your python 2.7.10 interpreter that has pygame installed to it. A game GUI will pop up. You can do human vs AI, AI vs AI, or Tournament mode (lets you simulate as many games as you want). Select a different agent name and each one is linked to a different AI agent algorithm.

Thanks for checking this out!
