Reference - ZishanManna/interview-prep-wiki GitHub Wiki
References for Interview Questions
The interview questions presented in this wiki are curated based on general industry knowledge and insights from various digital design and verification sources, including:
C Programming
- The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie - A classic book that covers the fundamentals of C programming.
- C Standard Library - A comprehensive resource for functions and utilities provided by the C Standard Library.
- GeeksforGeeks - C Programming Language - A popular site with a wide range of articles, examples, and problems related to C programming.
- - C Programming Language - Tutorials and resources for learning C and C++ programming.
- - An interactive tutorial to learn C programming.
- C Programming Wiki - A comprehensive overview of the C programming language, including its history and features.
Digital Design
- Digital Design by M. Morris Mano
- Fundamentals of Digital Circuits by A. Anand Kumar
- Digital Logic Design by John F. Wakerly
- Computer Organization and Design by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
Books and Publications:
- "Verilog HDL" by Samir Palnitkar
- "Digital Design and Computer Architecture" by David Harris and Sarah Harris
Online Resources and Forums:
- Common questions discussed on Stack Overflow and EDA Playground.
- Examples and practices shared in ASIC design and verification tutorials.
Industry Practices:
- Questions frequently asked in technical interviews for FPGA, ASIC, and Digital Design Engineer roles.
- SystemVerilog Language Reference Manual
- Verification Academy - SystemVerilog and UVM
- SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language for Hardware Design
- UVM User's Guide: Accellera UVM Documentation
- SystemVerilog and UVM Resources: Verification Academy
- UVM Cookbook: UVM Cookbook
- UVM Class Reference: UVM Class Reference Guide
Please note that these questions were synthesized from a broad set of references rather than any one specific source.