Sprint 2 Review Meeting Minutes - WhiteCloud27/Admission-Management-System GitHub Wiki

Date: 29/01/2022

Start Time : 10:00 pm

End Time: 10:55 pm

Location: Google Meet

Attendees: Mahbub Islam Mahim(MM), Rama Kundu Prova(RP), Md. Azizul(MA), Mallika Dey(MD), Samin Yasar Chowdhury(SC)

Completed Tasks

Task for the sprint:

  1. Implement "Applicant can contact with the admission authority" feature
  2. Implement "Applicant can get result" feature
  3. Implement "Applicant can get seat plan" feature
  4. Implement "Applicant can know allocated hall after admitted to the varsity" feature
  5. Implement "Applicant can get the admission form and fulfill all procedures" feature

Action Allocated team member(s) Completion Status
Action 1 Mahim Done
Action 2 Azizul Done
Action 3 Prova Done
Action 4 Yasar Done
Action 5 Mallika Done

Improving Area:

After the valuable feedback from the team, the improving area of the tasks are given below:

1. Contact with authority: In contact page there can be a google map portion where the address can be seen.

Though If we click the address text it has been showed but a clear view portion of the google map is more user friendly.

2. Get result: In get result section the admin have to insert student’s marks and also position. But position should be automated.

So using a good algorithm it should be done in future.

3. Get seat plan: In this section the seat plan of all students have to insert individually by admin.

But if it’s take a range of roll and plan the seat in a room is a good approach.

4. Get allocated hall: Here the improving area is update the view which is looking good and user friendly.

5. Get admission: Here If a student wants to admit to a department he/ she should fill up a form by giving his/her information.

Where An image input section must be implemented there but it was not done. So it should be update.

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