Daily Scrum Meeting Minutes 3 - WhiteCloud27/Admission-Management-System GitHub Wiki

Date/Location:07-01-2022, Google meet

Attendees: Mahbub Islam Mahim(MM), Rama Kundu Prova(RP), Samin Yasar Chowdhury(SC), Md. Azizul(MA), Mallika Dey(MD)

Start Time: 10:00 PM

End Time: 10:30 PM


  • All individual tasks are not completed yet.
  • We have yet to come to a decision as to how to merge the tasks.


  1. Complete individual tasks.
  2. Study all the tasks
  3. Figure out on how to integrate all the tasks.
Action Allocated team member(s) deadline
Action 1 All 08/01/2022
Action 2 All 08/01/2022
Action 3 All 08/01/2022
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